Synthesis Concerns

Honestly? My biggest concern is that I don’t care that much about what I’m writing. I got pretty into my pieces last semester, but I can’t really get into this paper. Also, I’m having diccifculites with my claim and what I’m actually trying to say in the paper. What’s my point in writing this? I don’t know what I’m trying to add to the conversation.

Being a Republican in College

We all know the sterotype of college professors and most of campus in general being extreamly liberal. And I would say for the most part, I have seen that to be true in my first semester at Ole Miss. As a person who leans more towards the side of Republican on the political party spectrum, and almost more importantly, as someone who identifies as Christian, peers and even some professors treat me differently. I feel sort of judged at times when I proclaim my unopopular opinions on political issues. I find this problematic because college is about learning, learning who you are, learning what you believe, but some professors only want you to learn what they believe and shoot down any other possibilities.

Equal? Greater Than.

I don’t really like gender issues. I don’t like talking about them or reading about them or sharing my opinion on them. And I think a lot of people are just like me and that’s the problem. I am most interested in one topic though: Has the Women’s Movement Left Men Behind?

Since gender issues are my least preferred from all of the myths, I probably won’t write about that. However, the above title hit me during class on Monday and got me thinking I could probably write a kick ass paper on it. In a society of Women’s Marches and fighting for Women’s Equality and trying to change the way the world sees women, are we doing men wrong by expecting them to keep the same role they have had since the beginning of time? Has the fight for equality gone too far the other direction? Are we fighting for equality, or are we fighting for women to have it better than men? And if it is the latter, are we just trying to get even for the hundreds of years we were treated unfairly? And if so, when does the cycle of abuse end? Or will we just go back and forth between who has power until the end of time?