Weekly Write

In the University of Mississippi, we are subject to a lot of stereotypes. People think that the students here aren’t very smart, that we are racist, and that all we do is drink. Ole Miss is consistently in the top 10 of the “party school” rankings, and maybe we deserve to be. I know that almost every night, week or weekend, there are several parties on or off campus. But I also know many people who work very hard and focus on academics, so for someone to automatically assume that because you go to Ole Miss you only party, is very wrong. I also know many people, typically from the North, who assume that if you go to school in the South you must be a racist. These accusations, even if they are in a joking manor, are not true and honestly should not even be joked about. The stereotype that Ole Miss is a party school may hold some weight, but the perception that everyone here is racist is a total misconception and a serious one. Ole Miss also ranks 19th on the “beautiful campus” rankings. According to this poll, Rhodes College has the most beautiful campus in the nation. I am from Memphis and live about 5 minutes away from Rhodes College and I must say that the campus here in Oxford is much more beautiful.