Unit 1 Reflection

The work load for this unit was definitely abnormally large. The lengthy readings were sometimes a hassle to complete, but when I managed to stay on top of my work and not procrastinate I noticed myself joining in the class discussions and becoming more involved. Reading the entire readings instead of only part of it was definitely crucial to my success in this unit. I enjoyed using the writer’s notebook during this semester as opposed to the online notes we took last semester because I felt as if I was able to take notes more freely. For instance, we made a chart in class comparing all the different readings, and I found that chart to be very helpful and could not have made it on the computer. The kernel essay was another helpful tool. The peer review was not necessarily so helpful to me, however. What really helped me was the actual writing of the essay. It really got me thinking about how I will organize my thoughts in my real essay and was somewhat like a helpful practice round of writing. Ultimately what helped me the most this unit was the supplemental worksheets provided that outlined exactly how to compose a proper synthesis essay and an example of a successful, student-written essay to read over. Seeing these helpful examples and instructions allowed me to find exactly what I needed to in my readings.

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