Category Archives: Daily Writes

Daily Write 5-1-17

I have always been a math guy. Since I was a boy I’ve been a “right-brainer”. Math and science came easy to me while art and imagination were difficult. When I got to Ole Miss I didn’t hesitate to become an Econ major. The formulas and numbers are like common sense to me and are even somewhat interesting. I chose to do my research this semester on the collection of data, and specifically the effects it has (or will have) on the economy. I hope that my future career will pertain to economics because I really enjoyed learning about this topic. I have begun to notice that I am more and more intrigued in finances and banking. This research has shown me the broad range of topics that I can pursue a career in. While doing research for this class, I actually became side-tracked one day and found myself on the list of majors offered by the business school. This really opened my eyes instead of having me stick to a set path.

Daily Write 4-26-17

It was supposed to be more fun. I was going into college thinking that freshman year is supposed to be the best year of your life. I had the highest expectations for the upcoming 10 months. But what followed was not what I had expected. No doubt freshman year was incredibly more fun than all of high school was. But despite the step up, it still did not live up to my expectations.

The academic aspect of freshman year was about as difficult as I had expected. I was able to somewhat coast through courses, doing weeks worth of work the night before a test and getting an A in the class. The classes that freshman take are no doubt the easiest ones and that is something that I am sure I will miss when senior year comes around and I have to take Econ 453, but there are other things besides academics that influence the overall quality of the school year.

Early this spring, I made a mistake that would entirely ruin my second semester and arguably entire year. I had been playing basketball in the Turner Center as I had done frequently all year long, when I took one bad step and my knee buckled. I fell to the ground for what seemed like forever and immediately went to the hospital. As it turns out, I tore both my ACL and my meniscus in my right knee. I knew this would spell disaster for the school year.

If you’ve ever had to get around on crutches, then you know I am telling the truth when I say it is one of the most difficult, inconvenient, and frustrating things I can imagine. I remember the very day after I tore it, I did not think that crutching from Burns hall to Lamar would be too bad. It took me 25 minutes and I was drenched in sweat by the time I got here. This had become a daily thing for me to get to all of my classes, which led me to the conclusion that college is the absolute worst time a person can be on crutches.

I went on to make the mistake of waiting until the week after spring break to get surgery on my knee. If I had done it right away I would not have ruined the whole semester, but I literally spread out the process as evenly as I could from January to May. The process not only took a toll physically, but academically as it made what was supposed to be the easiest academic year challenging. I was forced to miss weeks of class in all 6 of my classes then make up the work all at once while also dealing with therapy.

Despite all this; however, I think when I look back on my freshman year I will still weirdly have a positive outlook on it. While the potential it had was extremely great, I still had a fantastic time meeting new people and doing this life experience with my (hopefully) life-long friends. It is something that I am grateful to have experienced, and I look forward to sophomore year with great expectations.

Daily Write 3-20-17

When doing research on data-collection, I learned several interesting things. The main source of complaints about data-collection is the lack of privacy of the general public. Going into this topic, that was the only point of view I considered; however, after viewing several of my sources I realized that there is actually many useful reasons as to why a large company would want to know the opinions of the public. Sure it makes them money, but it does so by providing people with a more practical product aimed at improving the general quality of life.

Daily Write 3-6-17

I was very unclear on how to write an annotated bibliography before this class, but the example shown on the board before the gallery walk gave me a good understanding on what I was supposed to write. Then the gallery walk also helped me see what others wrote, and most importantly the feedback I received on my very rough draft will help as I develop it further.

Daily Write 2-27-17

I knew that many public school systems throughout the country were struggling, but I did not know that these schools were down right failing. The lack of basic necessities for the students is unacceptable and should be addressed immediately. The solution to all the problems the schools are facing could be seen by observing another more successful country’s models for schools.

Daily Write 2-1-17

I have noticed that some professors have a “no cell phone” policy. When this is the case in the classroom, the majority of students simply dismiss it and text during class. Another instance that displayed disrespect to the professor occurred this Monday. In the middle of the lecture, a student packed up, walked from the back of the class up to the front, and left the classroom. This to me was the ultimate display of disrespect. One class I had last year had a problem with students talking the entire time no matter how many times the professor asked them to be quiet.

Daily Write 1-23-17

During this semester I hope to be able to have the will power to begin working on assignments earlier than just the day before they are due. It really shows in my work when I apply myself and begin the writing process well in advance, and I hope to be able to accomplish this more often. I could ensure that I begin working on a piece before it is due by setting deadlines for myself days in advance.

Final Day Post

Being one of the people who are still around on the last day of the semester has a bitter sweet feeling. It is nice to know that I have made it and will continue my academic career here, but it is sad to think about those who aren’t as fortunate. I hope to be this lucky at the end of every semester and eventually get my degree.