Month: September 2016

Reading Response Columnist’s Social Media vs. Columns 9/28/16

The Columnist I chose to explore was Nicholas Kristof. He mostly writes about politics the Syrian crisis. In his columns have some biased comments towards Hillary Clinton, especially at the moment because of the debate. I am kind of surprised at his social media pages. I expected his Twitter account to be a little more normal and about his life more than about politics, but it is just as political as his columns. His social media is even more opinionated and biased than his articles. His Facebook page has even more political topics than his twitter. All of his pages are public. You can definitely see what he believes in because of how opinionated he is on his social media. Kristof’s Facebook and Twitter are full of Trump slander and some jokes about Trump along with Clinton supporting posts. He uses pathos about the Syrian topics and logos and ethos on posts about his support for Clinton.

Daily Write 9/26/16 Lyceum Protest

It is an absolute shame that people still act and talk like this about racial issues even in 2016. How can a person be so violent yet so nonchalant about such a cruel statement. It is especially embarrassing that it was an Ole Miss student who said such an awful thing towards another race. I am so happy that so many people stood up so quickly and would not be discriminated against. That so many students automatically stood up for what they believe in no matter the consequences. Some people’s views of race have not changed, but the people’s voices definitely have. I’m very happy people do not just let things slide so easily now and most people will not let something wrong continue to occur without standing up for their beliefs.

Reading Response Kristof Columns 9/25/16

All of Nicholas Kristof’s writing that I have read about so far has been about the refugees in Syria. He is very biased towards letting the Syrian Refugees into the United States for help and getting them visas. He writes that many people believe that any refugees the United States of America lets in could be Syrian spies or terrorists. In many of his columns, he compares the Syrian refugees today to Jewish people who were discriminated against in Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s. Kristof has many good points and uses logos in many of his writings because it is true that in the 30’s and 40’s Americans did not want to let Jews into the country because they thought they could be Nazi spies, just like they think the Syrian refugees could also be terrorists or spies for ISIS. He also uses pathos in some of his columns when he talks about the war in Syria. In “Anne Frank Today is a Syrian Girl”, Kristof compares Anne Frank to a Syrian little girl. He writes about Anne Frank’s family and how they tried to escape Germany, but could not get into the United States. Kristof says, “Fears of terrorism have left Muslim refugees toxic in the West, and almost no one wants them any more than anyone wanted a German-Dutch teenager named Anne” (Kristof). Kristof also uses a lot of persuasion in his writing because he is very biased and one sided about his views on politics. Especially for the Syrian refugees.

Reading Response “How Omran Daqneesh, 5, Became a Symbol of Aleppo’s Suffering.” 9/21/16

-Purpose is to inform readers of what happened to Omran Daqneesh and what made him so popular and a symbol of the tragedy everyday in Aleppo, Syria.

-to emotionally effect readers in order to make a point about what is happening in Syria

-to show that this happens everyday

-he uses pathos to effect the reader

-he uses the video and the pictures of Omran and quotes from witnesses, doctors, and medics.

-he uses some rhetorical devices like syntax (rhetorical questions and juxtaposition)

-the pictures make it extremely emotional and effective

-it is bias towards having more involvement in Syria and helping them

-the effect is extremely powerful and sad, but very true and factual

-most effective strategy is the pictures and using pathos to speak to the reader

Reading response 9/20/16 Notes on “Do You Care More About a Dog than a Refugee?”


-to bring attention to refugees

-responding to criticism of his recent column persuade readers

-persuade readers to support military intervention in Syria

-touch emotional points by using the pictures and make a point-pathos

-uses Logos and Ethos for logic and facts and uses Pathos for emotional appeal

-uses juxtaposition and rhetorical questioning to make points also

Daily Write 9/21/16 #theclass


Unit 1 Reflection 9/19/16

My first synthesis paper was much different than any papers I had written before. In high school we never wrote a paper more than one and a half pages so this paper was much longer. I personally struggled with finding enough things to write about and expand on my prompt so that was a challenge. Rewriting my intro in class definitely helped me a lot with thinking of the prompt differently. It helped me expand more and introduce my prompt more efficiently. This paper was slightly frustrating just because thinking about the length can really get in your head even though it ended up not being that bad. Knowing you have never done a paper that long before can give you anxiety because you might feel like you don’t have enough to write about. I often reflected on Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts”. This helped me because it reminded me that it did not have to be perfect. Writing is a long process that involves many trials and errors. I feel like I have already grown academically in college. I am much better at citing my sources and introducing my quotes. I have also improved in relating my citations to my prompt. Having a writing partner helped me a lot. My partner helped me realize things that I did not know I had wrong or overlooked. In order to improve my work, next time I can work on my citations even more and be even more familiar with them. I can spend more time re reading my essay and making sure everything is correct.

Weekly Write 9/16 How have you spent your week?

This week I have spent so much time doing school work and studying. This is how I wanted to spend my week because it makes me feel better in class when I have everything done and studied for. I have noticed this week though that I spend too much time studying for my harder classes that reflect my major the most. I realized that I need to spend equal time on each of my classes. That way I will not be stressed when I realize I have not completed something for another class that I did not view as important. All of my classes are equally important to my harder classes I just need to manage my time more efficiently. Other than that I like how I am spending my time here at Ole Miss so far. I think I have my study schedule pretty much figured out at the moment and that is a good feeling. Sure it may not sound very fun, but I really enjoy it. It is better than going out and partying and then feeling worse and stressed when I have not completed my work.

Daily Write 9/14 “Common Writing Rules”

-Paragraphs are a certain amount of sentences

-12 point font

-double spaced

-depending on type of writing, listing everything in the intro for the next few paragraphs

-Indentions of the beginning of paragraphs

-Never use first person

-Never say “you”

-5 Paragraphs long

-No contractions

Daily Write 9/12 Intro revision

I think it definitely helped me to rewrite my introduction paragraph because it made me think of the prompt in a different way. It made me think of different ways to say some things and elaborate more on what I had already written. Because I already knew what I needed to write about and got my thoughts together, it gave me room to put more examples from the texts and video and expand on what I had already written.