Category: Weekly Reflections

Daily Write #3 1/27/17 “What connections have you made this week?”

I have made a few connections this week. Rereading America has really broadened my horizons on sexual abuse and violence mainly towards women all over the country. The essay “The Longest War” has an overwhelming amount of statistics about women and just how awful the violence has gotten. This is absolutely insane. If sexual violence has gotten so bad that people around the world are having to protest and write books and everything else, something is seriously wrong and has been wrong for a long time. People do not like to talk about something that makes them uncomfortable so they avoid it, but this topic should be unavoidable. Why aren’t people more informed of things going on in the world? The statistics are so unbelievable it is impossible to avoid, but people try to anyway. It is so sad. This should not be okay. This has been the biggest realization to me this week.

Weekly write 10/28/16

It has helped me become a better writer and think about current events differently. It has helped me discover the different types of writing and their effects on the audience.

Reading Response Kristof Columns 9/25/16

All of Nicholas Kristof’s writing that I have read about so far has been about the refugees in Syria. He is very biased towards letting the Syrian Refugees into the United States for help and getting them visas. He writes that many people believe that any refugees the United States of America lets in could be Syrian spies or terrorists. In many of his columns, he compares the Syrian refugees today to Jewish people who were discriminated against in Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s. Kristof has many good points and uses logos in many of his writings because it is true that in the 30’s and 40’s Americans did not want to let Jews into the country because they thought they could be Nazi spies, just like they think the Syrian refugees could also be terrorists or spies for ISIS. He also uses pathos in some of his columns when he talks about the war in Syria. In “Anne Frank Today is a Syrian Girl”, Kristof compares Anne Frank to a Syrian little girl. He writes about Anne Frank’s family and how they tried to escape Germany, but could not get into the United States. Kristof says, “Fears of terrorism have left Muslim refugees toxic in the West, and almost no one wants them any more than anyone wanted a German-Dutch teenager named Anne” (Kristof). Kristof also uses a lot of persuasion in his writing because he is very biased and one sided about his views on politics. Especially for the Syrian refugees.

Weekly Write 9/16 How have you spent your week?

This week I have spent so much time doing school work and studying. This is how I wanted to spend my week because it makes me feel better in class when I have everything done and studied for. I have noticed this week though that I spend too much time studying for my harder classes that reflect my major the most. I realized that I need to spend equal time on each of my classes. That way I will not be stressed when I realize I have not completed something for another class that I did not view as important. All of my classes are equally important to my harder classes I just need to manage my time more efficiently. Other than that I like how I am spending my time here at Ole Miss so far. I think I have my study schedule pretty much figured out at the moment and that is a good feeling. Sure it may not sound very fun, but I really enjoy it. It is better than going out and partying and then feeling worse and stressed when I have not completed my work.

Weekly Write “How do you want to spend your time in college?”

In college, I want to spend my time meeting new people and succeeding at all of the classes needed for my major while enjoying my time here at Ole Miss at the same time. I will spend my time studying for the most part and going to class, but I will also be going to the football games and going to movies and all of the fun things that I can do in my freetime. My studies are my first priority, but I am going to make sure I do not overwork myself. I will also be working and making sure I have all of the essentials to succeed. I do not want to spend my time procrastinating and making my stress even worse. 

Weekly Write #1 8/26/16

My first week of college has definitely been a reality check. I have already done more in a week than I did in the first semester of high school. So much of the work is independent and your teachers expect a lot of you. I sort of expected college to be this hard, but it is still much different than I had originally thought. There is so much freedom and time to get things done on your own. I really love all of my teachers so far along with the people in my classes. Students at Ole Miss are much more concerned with their grades and actually care about their education. My first week was pretty hardcore but I really enjoyed it at the same time.