Socialization Process

I was told that most people are prejudiced because of the way their parents raised them. As I was doing my research, I found out that when children are influenced by their parents it’s sociological. It is called the socialization process. I know that children are influenced by their parents, but I never knew there was a definition for it.

Research Paper

To first understand why cops racially profile, you must first understand the causes of racism and prejudice. Vincent Parrillo, author of “Causes of Prejudice,” published in 2013 says that the causes of prejudice should be looked at through psychology and sociology. Through the psychological eye, the focal point on is the individual. Through psychology, a person can develop prejudice from imitation or condition, similarity – dissimilarity of beliefs, or personality characteristics (Parrillo p. 504). More can be understood about the psychological causes of prejudice through four areas: levels of prejudice, self-justification, personality, and frustration. I did not really use a strategy except for trying to put more of my voice in this paragraph. However, I am still struggling with putting my words in the paragraph and still making it sound intelligent. My plan is to keep working on it and hope and pray to God that it will sound good by the time I do my peer review.


During my research for this research paper, I have been dealing with a lot of things that can cause racism and/or prejudice. One of the ways I have been mentioning is stereotype. In my anthropology class, we are talking about how stereotypes affect different groups of people. My article was saying that some stereotypes exist because there is some truth to it, but the adjective just do not apply. It made me realize that we have stereotypes because someone or a group of people have done something in the past, and now it is just expected of that same group of people to do the same thing.

Connect 10: Do I have hidden prejudices?

My topic is prejudice, and one of the causes of prejudice is stereotyping. Even though I am anti-prejudice, I have stereotyped people before. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a muslim girl wearing the hijab. I honestly became afraid because Muslims are stereotyped as being bombers, killers, etc. I am normally ok when I see them, but I guess I was more afraid because this time I could only see her eyes. I became so nervous that I moved to the other side of the sidewalk. I felt really bad for doing that, because I thought that maybe I am prejudice against Muslims. I would like to think I am not, but there may be a little bit in me. All in all, I think I am just skeptical because their track records have not been too good. I know not all Muslims are killers, but that is all that is portrayed in the media which has caused me to be somewhat afraid of them. I am still against prejudice, but I do think there is a difference between being prejudice and skeptical.

Accordion Families

Should adult children move back home with their parents after they have graduated college? One of my sources says that it is not our generation that has become lazy, but rather we have changed the definition of adulthood. Another source says that we should not blame our generation but learn to accept it. I feel that after you have reached a certain age, you should move out of the house and start your own life. You should not depend on your parents to feed you or take care of you. You are a grown person, and you should act like it. You wanted freedom when you were younger, and now that you are of age, you do not want it???


I think we should discuss how we feel about racism. Is it something everybody has ever dealt with. If you have, how did it make you feel. If not, why do you think it is still so prevalent in a world that claims to moving forward? Is racism still an issue in the United States or are we making progression? Will racism ever really be gone or will it linger on forever?

Gatto’s Proposal School

The ideas that appealed to me the most on the new school PowerPoints were incorporating everyday life skills in high schools in order to better prepare students for the real world. I also liked that children would be able to choose their own schedule. At the high school that I went to, our schedule was already made out for us. We had no say so in what we wanted to take. I also liked how kids would work in groups to better their social skills which I believe is very important. Even though group work can be difficult at times, because you have to work on other people’s time, the experience is great. It gives you a chance to work with new people and maybe establish new friendships. The time schedule was nice too. A few groups wrote there would be fifty minute classes and an hour lunch which I think is needed for high school students. At my schools we only had twenty-five minutes for lunch which everyone absolutely hated. We had to rush out of class, fight for microwaves, and be done eating all within twenty-five minutes. Being able to leave freely is also something that I really liked. I still think you should be respectful to the teacher and not try to leave when they are teaching. One of the ways we could try to incorporate more group work in our class is by not only allowing the students to pick the groups, but also having the teacher pick for us. Maybe we could also work with some of the people from the 10:00 class so that we could get new perspectives on things.

Op-Docs Animation

I learned that I need to have more sources in my voiceover. I also learned how layer can make an animation really effective. Negative Space was something that I had never heard of until today, and I learned how to put that into my presentation. The most important thing that I learned was to have fun with the topic, but still add emphasis on the importance and seriousness of the topic. Do not take away so much from the topic so much that it dumbs it down.