Epilogue: Connecting the Dots of Life and First Year Writing

When it came to reading and research, I learned what really interested me and what did not. I learned that I really like to read things about racism and the causes of it. The reason why the subject stood out to me so much is because it is something that I have had to deal with. It was an awful experience, and I never want to go through it again. Having gone through racism motivated me to see why people are racist or even prejudiced. When it came to writing, I learned that I need to be more forceful and not so scared of hurting people’s feelings. I had some pretty tough subjects to talk about, and I did not want to offend anybody. For example, during the first semester, I wrote about how white people have a tough time talking about racism from the video “A Conversation with White People about Race”. At first, I was afraid to even write on this subject, because I did not know how to say what I wanted to say without sounding like I was racist. However, this was something that really interested me, because you never hear people, especially white people, talk about their racism. I would go to my teacher and ask her if what I was saying was offensive, because I did not want to make anybody mad. I also struggled with writing about racism, because last year, my peer reviewer was a young white male. I did not want him to start thinking I was racist or hated his kind. This fear of never knowing what to say or how to say it was something I had to overcome in my first year writing. It was a very tough fear to conquer, because I preach against racism, but I did not want him to think I was a hypocrite if I said something and it came across in the wrong way. When it came to high school, I was never able to write on things that interested me. We always had to right on a specific subject, and it never dealt with race. Even though I wish we would have written on race, I am really glad we did not because I probably would have been kicked out of the school. Talking about race has really opened my eyes to the things going on in our world pertaining to racism. After talking about it for a year, I feel more educated in the knowledge of it and how to discuss it.

As I was flipping through the channels, I came to a stop when a show called “The Talk” was talking about what they were going to preview next. In the preview, they showed a picture of an interracial couple in the new Old Navy ad, and mentioned how it was stirring up controversy because of the interracial couple in it. This really piqued my interest, and I started to watch the show. I ended up having to leave before I was able to see what was going on, but I was able to look it up online. As I looked it up online, I saw all the hate towards Old navy changing the face of their ads. There were people saying that they were disgusted at Old Navy, that black men should be mad that a white man was taking their women, some even called the mother and son apes. The more comments I read, the angrier I became. As I continued to scroll down, there started to be more positive comments. Most of the people were saying thanks for showing how the idea of marriage has changed while other were posting pictured of themselves and their interracial relationships. As I was looking at the article, it made me think back to high school and what my basketball coach said to the varsity girls. I went to a school that was majority white, and she told the girls to stay away from the black boys because they were all thugs and did not want anything but their goods. The ad at Old Navy and the criticism it received brought me back to what happened in high school. I was so angry with my coach, because she preached daily that she was not racist, but then she says stuff like that. I remember thinking she was so hypocritical. This caused me to see that racism will always be ubiquitous. Racism has been going on since the 1930s, as stated in my paper “Why Do Police Officers Racially Profile”, when slave owners would beat slaves who they did not think were free. Even if everyone fifty years from now claims to not be racist, there will always be the closeted few. We as a nation need to learn how to talk about it and not be so hypocritical. We do not need to say we are not racist to some and then go around bashing people of the opposite race in front of others faces. I believe racism will finally end when people are able to talk about it in a respectful and mature way.

When it comes to watching television, I love to watch the old things that interested me as a kid. I was flipping through the channels once again, and I came across Boy Meets World. I was so obsessed with that show when I was a kid. That show showed me all sorts of things, but the most important thing it showed me was that interracial dating is a truly beautiful thing. Boy Meets World came out in the early 1990’s before I was even born and ended in 2000. Even though it ended before I was five, Disney Channel would show reruns and that is how I came to love the show. Boy Meets World introduced me to my first interracial couple. At that time, I was only like eight or nine so I really did not know what being a couple was, but I remember thinking that it was so cool. Shawn and Angela, the interracial couple, was my favorite couple to watch. I absolutely loved it and had no idea what was going on. Shawn and Angela also reminded me of one of my little crushes in pre-school. I thought this little white boy Tanner was so cute, and I did not even know what being cute was. Seeing Shawn and Angela made me think of that. As I grew up and started to realize what dating was, especially interracial dating, I wondered if the show ever faced backlash for putting Shawn and Angela together (she was his first love by the way). My curiosity got the better of me and I looked it up online. Some people were not to thrilled about it, but for the most part, the audience loved them together. This really shocked me at first, because during that time period, I know people still had a problem with interracial dating. Interracial dating is a beautiful thing, and it shows America that maybe we can move forward in racism and prejudice. Hearing people say that they loved it was refreshing. Shawn and Angela remind me of how racism will always surround us either in a good way or bad way. Shawn and Angela remind me that maybe America is moving forward in racism. It makes me wonder will we finally be able to look at people as just people and not see color. I think the possibility is there, but it is going to take some time. Then, I think back to the negative comments from the Old Navy ad and think, “We are moving one hundred years backwards!” It made me want to be negative and say, “Forget it!! People will never change!!” However, I know I cannot give up because there are some people out there who still want to make a change.

This first year of writing has taught me a lot about myself. I learned that it is ok to talk about things that interest you even if it is a controversial issue to talk about. I learned that race is still a very prevalent issue in the world, and people do not know how to deal with it. I also learned that even though racism is still prevalent, there are some people out there trying to make a difference. There are some who can talk about it in a civilized way. Having experienced racism, I know how painful it is. I know how it makes you want to go home and cry to your parents, because it was something I experienced for over ten years. Even though going through racism could have made me bitter, it didn’t. It pushed me to try to be one of the ones to end it. I will always try to fight racism so that this world can be a better place for this generation and future generations to come.


As I was driving home yesterday, I looked over to my right and noticed a pasture of sheep. This caused me to think back to my philosophy class. In philosophy, we were talking about what gives life meaning. One philosopher, Nietzsche, said that humans are like sheep because we lack adventure. We need to be more adventurous and have fun and stopped being so scared and boring. However, as I was looking at the sheep, I started to think that even though sheep don’t do much, they are so peaceful. Having an adventure is fun, but sometimes humans need to take a step back and just relax as the sheep do.

Weekly Write

One design decision I made was changing my title. The theme this semester is about our first year. I wanted to change my title to something that showed my personality. At first I just put “Megan’s Commonplace Book: My First Year”, but as I was playing around with the theme, I started thinking of more titles. I thought about “Megan’s Commonplace Blog: Ending My First Year with a Bang” because I have given this first year of my college career all I have. I feel like this statement better represents who I am.

Could Robots Replace Humans?

In my philosophy class, we were talking about robots and if they would be more human if we were to give them human brains and emotions. This caused me to think about Taylor and his topic in writing class. What if robots were to replace us? Even if scientists could give robots our brain capacity, the robots would still lack human emotions. Robots will never be able to replace humans, because they don’t have some of the qualities humans have.

Weekly Write

The one website I have used the most this semester would have to be Mastering Chemistry. I have used this website to do my chemistry and calculus homework. The program was kind of tricky at first, and you have to be very specific in what you type in, or it will mark the answer wrong. The way that I can use it for this class is by not making the website so difficult to understand. Also, Mastering Chemistry is very colorful when you open it, but after that it is really bland. It is just click on which course you are enrolled in and that is it. For my website, I want to add more color. I do not want my viewer to be bored with my subject, I want them to be intrigued.

Connect 10

In my philosophy class, we are talking about if a person is still the same person if they have a brain transplant. I have an uncle who just had a stroke, and his brain is damaged, but his body is still functioning pretty well. I started to think about what would happen if he were to have a brain transplant. At first, I was all for it. I was like he’ll get to live! Then, I started to wonder would it still be him since he would have a different brain. I personally do not know whether he would be the same person. I know it would be him physically, but I’m not sure about mentally. This discussion in our philosophy class really got me to think about who my uncle would be if he received a brain transplant.

Weekly Write

In a book I’m reading, the author provokes the reader’s interest by starting the paragraph out with “A shot rang out. A broad gate banged open. A pounding of horses’ hooves echoed around the track like a massive clap of thunder.” Reading is one of my favorite past times to do. Every time I get ready to buy a book, I look at the back, and I read the first sentence. Most of the time, looking at the back will cause me to buy the book. But, if the first sentence grabs my attention, I am running to the cash register. This is what happened with this book. I started on the series a couple of years ago, but I stopped reading it to read something else. When I came back to the series, I could not believe I had stopped. I reread the first book in about two days. Then, I went and bought the second one and loved it as well. I am now on the third book, and when I opened it and read the first sentence, I was hooked. I wanted to keep reading, but I knew I had more important things to do. First sentence attention grabbers really help readers want to keep reading the books.