Shared Societal Assumptions and Academic Discussion Reminders

It’s important before starting this class that we have a set of shared assumptions about society.  This will make discussing this critical societal issues more worthwhile.  The following list is adapted from Lynn Weber Cannon’s essay, “Fostering Positive Race, Class, and Gender Dynamics in the Classroom.”

  1.  Acknowledge that institutionalized forms of oppression (racism, sexism, etc.) exist. 
  2.  Acknowledge that we are often misinformed about our own groups and others.
  3.  Agree to not repeat misinformation after we’ve learned otherwise.
  4.  Agree not to “blame victims” for the condition of their lives.
  5.  Assume that most people try to do the best they can.
  6.  Actively pursue information about our own and other groups.
  7.  Share information abut our groups with others, and never devalue anyone for their experiences.
  8.  Agree to combat myths and stereotypes about all groups.
  9.  Respect the confidentiality of classmates when they request it.

In conducting discussions that encourage critical inquiry, we should adhere to the following:

Speakers should…

-Keep disagreements focused on the issues/sources/research at hand; don’t get personal.

-Speak up so that everyone can hear.  Access is important.

-Address the group, not just the teacher or one other student.

Listeners should…

-Respect the speaker; don’t interrupt or carry on other conversations.

-Listen without distraction (laptop, cellphone, etc.).


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