What The Eyes Don’t See

1.  Dr. Mona’s research and her pride allowed her to become aware of a serious problem that had been affecting a whole community. Dr. Mona realized the issue with the water and acted upon it, doing the right thing. She discovered a “silent epidemic” with the lead poising in Flint. This allowed the community to act as one and overcome a serious issue. Not only did the community act as one but our entire nation took action to this issue.

2. In the Summer of 2019 I moved into a new house, after about 3 weeks of living there I found a huge leak in the downstairs bathroom that ruined the whole floors. I was scared to tell my parents because I knew they would be so mad. I instantly told them because I knew it was the right thing to do and as I assumed they were very mad, luckily it wasn’t my fault though.

3. As an individual, to make the world a better, safer place you have to keep an open mind. It is important to be kind to all people and make the wisest decisions possible. You have to keep everyone around you in check as well as keeping yourself in check.

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