What is a writer?

A writer is someone who expresses their thoughts and emotions through words. They are able to speak their ideas onto a paper and intrigue a reader and keep them interested. Writers are able to develop a story or an opinion and keep it flowing smoothly without boring a reader or going off track. A writer is able to use different grammar rules and punctuation to vary the lengths and flow of sentences, they do this to alter the way their work reads. A writer must be creative or interested in what they are writing. For me as a writer I am not super creative with coming up with stories to talk about, but when I am able to research an idea or issue it allows me to learn and put my information I’ve learned onto paper. I like to change sentence flow and I enjoy writing a first sentence to hook the reader that is one thing I think is good about. my writing.

One thought on “What is a writer?

  1. I believe a writer is someone who has the ability to create and express their thoughts. In this initial response I didn’t think I was super creative as a writer, as the semester developed I began exploring new are interesting topics that I enjoyed writing about which allowed me to express my creativity. I really bilieve that a writer must be interested in what they are writing about in order to create great work.

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