ACE’s Blog

  1. ACE’s are adverse childhood experiences, many different kids grow up in different environments which alters their experience as a childhood and how they react. A toxic stress can be an event that occurred in a Childs childhood that can inevitably stress them for the rest of their lives.
  2. Adversities like poverty, racism, and homelessness can effect the education a kid receives because if they have more issues outside of their learning environment it distracts them from intaking and expressing emotions in work. These adversities can effect the emotions of the children and surpasses their ability to create inevitably. With these adversities a child faces a higher chance of experiencing a toxic stress.
  3. ACE’s effect literacy because it may suppress the kids creativity or they may have fear to express how they feel on a c certain idea. Overall they can also make the kid less productive or into the idea of learning.

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