Reading Journal Grant-Davie

Reading Journal


Copy + Paste this template into a different document (do not try to type directly on it). Then fill it out and post to your blog. 


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page-

Davie, Keith Grant. “ Rhetorical Situations And Their Constitute.” MRjeff, 2012, .

Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words  Davie begins by talking about ways rhetorical situations occur. Students need to become aware of rhetorical situations in order to critique their ability to create and write. Many people have rhetoric tendencies that often occur in pieces of writing, learning subtitutes for these or ways to solve them is very important.
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.
“I believe exigence, as the motivating force behind a discourse”
Exigence- urgent need-demand


How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


This article relates to the mother tongue because they both talk about the way our brain goes about literacy and how our tendencies can affect us. 
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.  How can our rhetorical situations alter or punctuation.

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