College Students Aren’t Who You Think They Are

I was suprised when I heard that now most college students are working full time and not right out of high school. For me I generally believed that college students were mostly directly out of high school and somewhat dependent on their parents still. When listening to this I heard many interesting facts that caught me by suprise such as %74 of undergrads have a child or go to school part time and a job part time. More than 1/4 of students are taking care of a child and more than 1/5 are older than 30. These statistics caught me by suprise because it’s not the generic student that people generally believe are a “college student”.  This made me realize the amount of students like Santa Benavidez Ramirez, she is a mother who is working full time and also attending a local community college. These statistics made me question who the average college student actually is and why this has changed over recent years.

One thought on “College Students Aren’t Who You Think They Are

  1. I think throughout the year I have met many people from many backgrounds and it allowed me to appreciate the truth of this article. I have met so many people from many different places and it has allowed me to appreciate everyones differences and opinions while understanding my bias with where I come from. I think I wasn’t allowed to expand completly with mostly virtual class but I hope to continue to meet people from everywhere.

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