How the pandemic Impacts College Students

In this video I learned a lot about the struggles many college students are faced with during this pandemic. One fact that I heard and found interesting that was 70% are dependent on a job during college. “While their colleges say that they’re going to maybe refund some of the money, it’s not going to come right away.” many colleges have gone completely online and students will be required to go home. This made me question the amount of universities that will refund money for the students loss of a whole year. Many students may also not have wifi at home which puts a big restriction on their learning. Students are not the only ones at loss, many faculty have lost jobs due to the pandemic as well.  This makes me question the future for secondary learning and how Universities will deal with this throughout the future. This article made me question the effect on the pandemic on students learning and wellness overall not just college students.

One thought on “How the pandemic Impacts College Students

  1. I think after reading this article I really felt like I needed to take advantage of all oppurtunities I had my freshman year in order to have somewhat of a “normal college year” I think covid has affected many people but I decided that I would still try to get the most out of what I could during this time. I think learning virtually was something that was difficult to get into the swing of and is definitly not favorable but I stopped using that as an excuse to take shortcuts and not put in as much effort as a normal year.

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