65 Week Social Media Detox

“There were a few people who approached me to ask if I’d blocked them,” recalls David. “I thought it was so interesting how this has nothing to do with them — it’s something I was doing for myself — but they’d immediately thought that I blocked them even though I had no reason to.” I found this part very interesting, friends on social media expect to be in contact and share things you find funny with each other, but when David stop using social media his freinds were slightly offended that he hadn’t sent them anything or tagged them in it. I think when you get rid of social media the conversation you have with friends is enriched due to the fact that it becomes more personalized and communication is clearer and easier.

One thought on “65 Week Social Media Detox

  1. This semester I have realised how we have became so invested in technology, it is very easy especially because we are in the middle of a pandemic. Mostly everything we do as students in online and then we continue to use multiple social media sites when we are doing with school work. I have tried to use social media less recently because of the ammount I use technology on a daily basic. It makes communication very efficient and I enjoy technology for that reason, although sometimes it is nice to not go on your phone and go outside and enjoy fresh air.

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