
In my argument essay, I need to separate ideas in my middle paragraphs and reorganize my train of thought throughout the paper. I switch ideas a couple to many times in a single paragraph.

3/29 Reflection

Most of the working class is affected by my prediction of increased working from home. A day in life would be: wake up and get showered and prepared for your day. After this make a good breakfast and read emails while eating breakfast to set up a schedule for the day ahead. After this, it would be to send your kids off to school for the day if they have them. Now they can have peace and quiet to complete work and attend online meetings. Once there is a stopping point in the schedule they are able to walk to their kitchen to prepare their own lunch, then continue to work while they eat lunch. After getting more work done their kids(if they have them) will arrive home from school and they can find some time to take a break and spend time with their kids. If their kids play sports they can send them off to those and continue working or even go watch their kids sporting events and continue working later. The online workday can be flexible to the whole family’s daily schedules.

Daily Blog 3/24

I think my own blindspots are that not many employees will return to in-person work, I think although companies can put work online it would still require in-person meetings and presentations when meeting in person has no risk I believe there will be some reasons for employees to come in certain days. I think another blindspot I have is people without a college degree have less of a chance to work from home.

For my argument essay, I need to focus on organization because that was my worst part of my synthesis essay. I also need to improve my research I have done on the subject because I am missing a couple scholarly sources. One thing I think I will do good on is introducing my argument and giving important viewpoints about the argument. I will need to attend more office hours in order to work on orginization.


I think the most relevant things for my topic I am arguing have been Courtney E. Martin’s ted talk because it really made me question the way people work and how that can affect their mental health. Another thing that was relevant was the bumble one, trying to find friends in the pandemic can be hard and that made me realize how much life has changed since Covid-19. Also Activism in the social media age allowed me to realize how quickly things are able to change with spreading word of mouth on the internet. All these concepts have allowed me to understand the overall impact of the pandemic and how American’s can change the way they live and continue to live after the pandemic. Another relevant thing was reading statistics on who is currently working from home and how this affects their lives.

Edblog 8

For me I think I need to find more information on levels of productivity while working from home, this information would allow me to back up my claims on how working from home is more beneficial. I have a lot of information on how many and who is working from home but not a lot about how working from home can be easier or more difficult than being in your workplace at the office. I think productivity plays a huge role in the importance of working from home. I also need to find some devil’s advocate sources so that way I can deny claims from the other side and use my information that I have found so far to help my side of the argument essay.

Mid Term Check In

I feel pretty good recently, although I am slightly stressed that I missed the peer reviews on the synthesis paper. I feel the paper I submitted was pretty good. I am a little worried about the upcoming unit because I am not sure how deep I can dive into my topic I am researching. Going forward this semester I hope to join more office hours to keep in contact with you on my progress in the class.