3/29 Reflection

Most of the working class is affected by my prediction of increased working from home. A day in life would be: wake up and get showered and prepared for your day. After this make a good breakfast and read emails while eating breakfast to set up a schedule for the day ahead. After this, it would be to send your kids off to school for the day if they have them. Now they can have peace and quiet to complete work and attend online meetings. Once there is a stopping point in the schedule they are able to walk to their kitchen to prepare their own lunch, then continue to work while they eat lunch. After getting more work done their kids(if they have them) will arrive home from school and they can find some time to take a break and spend time with their kids. If their kids play sports they can send them off to those and continue working or even go watch their kids sporting events and continue working later. The online workday can be flexible to the whole family’s daily schedules.

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