• Breanna Meyers

Peer Review Worksheet Writ 101, MP 1: Let’s Literacy! (due Sept. 11)

  1. How does the writer set the scene (begin to tell the story) to get the reader “hooked”? Cite specific examples.

The hook is very good because it gives the reader information of the socioeconomic factors of the piece. She also introduces her literacy which was her granmother in the hook statement.

  1. What specific context and details does the writer give for the literacy sponsor(s) or literacy activity? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

There is a ton of content around the literacy sponsor in the opening paragraph which allows the reader to have background knowledge throughout. I like how the author talks about the struggles they have had throughout their literacy career and how the have overcame and became better because of it.

  1. How does the writer analyze the ways socioeconomic factors — like race, class status, gender – affect the access to literacy experiences and/or literacy sponsorship? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

On the second page it talks about getting into teenage years and going through some very difficult times. When you talk about the change of the socioeconomic factors when moving to a private school I found that very cool that you saw both sides and how different socioeconomic factors can make the classroom.

  1. What scholars – like Brandt and Gee – does the writer cite? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

The author cites Peter Elbow on page 3 and how writers should be able to express themselves. Also another strong connection I found was when talking about the slang you would use and the connection with “mother tongue”.

  1. What could the writer add to make a stronger connection to those scholars and sources? Cite specific passages/page numbers.

I think the third page is very strong because of all the connections you had I couldn’t think of any more that you could use.

  1. Roses: List 3 strong aspects of this draft. Cite specific passages/page numbers.

-Great Hook

-Tells a really awesome story while still following the prompt

-Solid connections to other pieces

  1. Thorns: List 1 to 3 aspects of this draft the writer might improve, then offer a way for them to improve these aspects. 

– Could possibly add some more complex sentence’s to improve the flow.

Nadia Sumiar

  1. How does the writer set the scene (begin to tell the story) to get the reader “hooked”? Cite specific examples.

The hook was good because it began talking about literacy that she has read or heard through her childhood. I like how you brought up your literacy sponsors within the first paragraph and at what age and how you met them. 


  1. What specific context and details does the writer give for the literacy sponsor(s) or literacy activity? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

The context was mostly given in the intro paragraph which allowed me to understand who your literacy sponsors were and how they bettered your writing. Also on page 2 there is more context that was very good with the newspaper club.

  1.  How does the writer analyze the ways socioeconomic factors — like race, class status, gender – affect the access to literacy experiences and/or literacy sponsorship? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

There wasn’t much analysis of socioeconomic factors. I saw one on the first page talking about the newspaper club she attended in high school which could be a possible connection to socioeconomic factors.


  1.  What scholars – like Brandt and Gee – does the writer cite? Cite specific examples and page numbers

The Paul Gee citation was used very well on page 3 talking about her ability to write creatively. I also like the connection on page 2 talking about what a literacy sponsor is and how you yours came into your life.

  1. What could the writer add to make a stronger connection to those scholars and sources? Cite specific passages/page numbers.

The connections that were used to the scholars were very strong and fit well into the writing. I would have nothing to add for these connections I thought they were spot on.


  1. Roses: List 3 strong aspects of this draft. Cite specific passages/page numbers.

-The writing has a very good flow

-Good examples of literacy sponsors

– Good explanation of how these sponsor advanced her writing

  1. Thorns: List 1 to 3 aspects of this draft the writer might improve, then offer a way for them to improve these aspects. 

– add some more about socioeconomic factors.

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