CRQ The New American Dream

When watching the Ted Talk by Courtney E. Martin I found it very intriguing when she talked about what constitutes the 21st century life, Martin often mentioned its less about the nice house with a white picket fence. When talking about what people do for labor she had a very strong opinion that people desire interdependence, she stated “My mom called it just making it work” Martin said that this meant doing enough patchwork and saving but still having enough time to take care of those who you love. Martin lived in a community where they all have their own living space but share a industrial kitchen and dinner room, she believes this type of life style creates communication and makes life easier for everyone “it’s less about investing in the perfect family and more about investing in the perfect village” when hearing this I related to my community back home and the relationships I have created with my friends parents and how many multiple adults I have had in my life to look up to and not just my family.

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