CRQ Where American’s Find Meaning In Life

After reading the article Where Americans Find Meaning In Life made me question where I find value in my life, like many others it was a plethora of things such as family, friends, the outdoors, and more.  “People in a wide variety of social and demographic subgroups mention family as a key source of meaning and fulfillment.” family is obviously very important to most people because they are the ones who always will be there.  One thing I found interesting was when connecting this article to My 65 Day Digital Detox, I noticed how no one they surveyed mentioned that they find meaning through social media. In the article My 65 Day Digital Detox the author mentioned how he had less distractions which allowed him to focus on what he found meaning in. I found this interesting because so many of us are investing so deeply in technology but not many people find meaning in it although we consider it very important.

One thought on “CRQ Where American’s Find Meaning In Life

  1. Many Americans find meaning in different places, one thing I have learned over the year from meeting many people from all these different places is that most people share similar interests based on where there from. In this post I mentioned I found meaning in the outdoors and doing activities such as skiing and hiking. Over the year I have found meaning in many other places while being in Mississippi because of the change of scenery. It was interesting to adapt to my new friends interest and combine where we find meaning in our lifes.

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