Argument Essay Reflection

  1. I think learning how to include research and embed it into a paragraph was the most important thing for this essay because it allows me to smoothly reference sources and creates organization within a paragraph.
  2. I used most of my sources that were in my annotated bibliography as planned except some of my scholarly sources, I need to add more statistics to those.
  3.  I learned how to create a strong tone to persuade the reader to my argument and also what tone to use in certain situations.
  4. I think the Edblog post on Courtney E Martin really got me thinking about the possibilities of a different work world and many things she mentioned in her Ted talk about businesses and mental health at work allowed me to see how we could change the way we work.

One thought on “Argument Essay Reflection

  1. I think that you could have used some more scholarly sources, the tone was very important but it could have been a little more persuasive.

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