Edblog 8

For me I think I need to find more information on levels of productivity while working from home, this information would allow me to back up my claims on how working from home is more beneficial. I have a lot of information on how many and who is working from home but not a lot about how working from home can be easier or more difficult than being in your workplace at the office. I think productivity plays a huge role in the importance of working from home. I also need to find some devil’s advocate sources so that way I can deny claims from the other side and use my information that I have found so far to help my side of the argument essay.

Mid Term Check In

I feel pretty good recently, although I am slightly stressed that I missed the peer reviews on the synthesis paper. I feel the paper I submitted was pretty good. I am a little worried about the upcoming unit because I am not sure how deep I can dive into my topic I am researching. Going forward this semester I hope to join more office hours to keep in contact with you on my progress in the class.

FASTrack/Writ 101 Round Table

Throughout the podcast I heard many useful pieces of advice. The 2 that I found really beneficial were: figure out how to budget your time and create a schedule to get work, social events and studying done. I think this was useful because if I give myself enough time to study and complete my online work I will be capable of making good grades and budgeting to be able to do other social activities. The other piece of advice that I found useful is take advantage of events and activities to meet people. This one was important for me because I came to college not knowing anyone else coming here. I am looking forward to finally having the college experience, I am very excited for one thing in specific and that is having a lot more freedom and responsibilities. I am dreading the fact that the majority of classes will be delivered online because it could be very easy to forget about an assignment when learning online. My advice I would give to incoming seniors would be to be flexible and gracious with the situations you may be faced with in these uncertain times. Do not get bogged down with the current environment of learning but learn how to gain from it to make it your best year yet.


Daily Writes

These are 5 minute or less quick writes that we’ll complete in class most days. This will also include any in-class writing about the readings that we do. If you don’t bring your tablet/laptop to class every day or if you prefer writing on paper during class, you’ll need to type up and post these after class.