Reading Journal For Jones

Reading Journal


Copy + Paste this template into a different document (do not try to type directly on it). Then fill it out and post to your blog. 


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page-

Jones, Rebecca. Finding the Good Argument OR Why Bother With Logic? Writing Spaces, 2010.

Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words- Jones talks about how during an argument it’s always whether or not you think the other person is wrong or completely changing one of the participants viewpoints on the topic at hand. People never just turn and say hey that was a great argument. My reaction to this article is I agree with this, people need to listen and appreciate the other side viewpoints. If you do this you are able to research the other side which could possibly change your mind and if it doesn’t you can use that to structure your argument further. The author expresses the importance of a good argument throughout our history as a country and for the future.  
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.

James talks about how many people stand down during an argument ”

dug in their heels and defended every position, even if it was unpopular or irrelevant to the conversation at hand” (James)

people tend to defend every position their group may align with even if it is irrelevant.

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?

 This relates to researching about college sports, because many people debate basely for their team but it is good to open and understand multiple sides of a discussion.

Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.

How can one accept some parts of someone else’s side of the argument with out agreeing completely?



ACE’s Blog

  1. ACE’s are adverse childhood experiences, many different kids grow up in different environments which alters their experience as a childhood and how they react. A toxic stress can be an event that occurred in a Childs childhood that can inevitably stress them for the rest of their lives.
  2. Adversities like poverty, racism, and homelessness can effect the education a kid receives because if they have more issues outside of their learning environment it distracts them from intaking and expressing emotions in work. These adversities can effect the emotions of the children and surpasses their ability to create inevitably. With these adversities a child faces a higher chance of experiencing a toxic stress.
  3. ACE’s effect literacy because it may suppress the kids creativity or they may have fear to express how they feel on a c certain idea. Overall they can also make the kid less productive or into the idea of learning.

What is a writer?

A writer is someone who expresses their thoughts and emotions through words. They are able to speak their ideas onto a paper and intrigue a reader and keep them interested. Writers are able to develop a story or an opinion and keep it flowing smoothly without boring a reader or going off track. A writer is able to use different grammar rules and punctuation to vary the lengths and flow of sentences, they do this to alter the way their work reads. A writer must be creative or interested in what they are writing. For me as a writer I am not super creative with coming up with stories to talk about, but when I am able to research an idea or issue it allows me to learn and put my information I’ve learned onto paper. I like to change sentence flow and I enjoy writing a first sentence to hook the reader that is one thing I think is good about. my writing.

Headlee talks about how necessary it is to be present during a conversation, she also mentions never multitask during  conversation. Our country is so polarized right now and it is important to set aside your personal opinions during a conversation, just learn from the conversation, do not allow the conversation move to a political debate. In order to continue a conversation smoothly ask them open answered questions that require them to think about their response. These tips are all useful for my own life because it gives me multiple ways to keep a conversation and to not always make it political. Especially with the current state of politics in our country conversation ofter moves into a political debate. For me it will be good to be open minded during a conversation and absorb as much information as possible. Most people would rather talk then listen because of the feeling of being the center of attention. It is most important to give them your full attention in order to understand not just to reply.

Ethical dilemmas are very hard because of many outlying factors that conflict your decision, but you always have the gut feeling what is right. Dr. Mona faced many ethical dilemmas throughout the book. She realized a problem in Flint that the government was trying to cover it unfortunately she received lots of backlash from her findings. There are a moltitude of wrong doings in this world in many different industries, and this book is an example that doing the right thing may seem difficult but it always ends up working out. In 2001 there was a company called Enron, they were an energy company. Many people on the board inflated the stock price by wrongly reporting numbers, the workers were faced with an ethical dilemma because there executive board was making unethical decisions.

What The Eyes Don’t See

1.  Dr. Mona’s research and her pride allowed her to become aware of a serious problem that had been affecting a whole community. Dr. Mona realized the issue with the water and acted upon it, doing the right thing. She discovered a “silent epidemic” with the lead poising in Flint. This allowed the community to act as one and overcome a serious issue. Not only did the community act as one but our entire nation took action to this issue.

2. In the Summer of 2019 I moved into a new house, after about 3 weeks of living there I found a huge leak in the downstairs bathroom that ruined the whole floors. I was scared to tell my parents because I knew they would be so mad. I instantly told them because I knew it was the right thing to do and as I assumed they were very mad, luckily it wasn’t my fault though.

3. As an individual, to make the world a better, safer place you have to keep an open mind. It is important to be kind to all people and make the wisest decisions possible. You have to keep everyone around you in check as well as keeping yourself in check.

  • Breanna Meyers

Peer Review Worksheet Writ 101, MP 1: Let’s Literacy! (due Sept. 11)

  1. How does the writer set the scene (begin to tell the story) to get the reader “hooked”? Cite specific examples.

The hook is very good because it gives the reader information of the socioeconomic factors of the piece. She also introduces her literacy which was her granmother in the hook statement.

  1. What specific context and details does the writer give for the literacy sponsor(s) or literacy activity? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

There is a ton of content around the literacy sponsor in the opening paragraph which allows the reader to have background knowledge throughout. I like how the author talks about the struggles they have had throughout their literacy career and how the have overcame and became better because of it.

  1. How does the writer analyze the ways socioeconomic factors — like race, class status, gender – affect the access to literacy experiences and/or literacy sponsorship? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

On the second page it talks about getting into teenage years and going through some very difficult times. When you talk about the change of the socioeconomic factors when moving to a private school I found that very cool that you saw both sides and how different socioeconomic factors can make the classroom.

  1. What scholars – like Brandt and Gee – does the writer cite? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

The author cites Peter Elbow on page 3 and how writers should be able to express themselves. Also another strong connection I found was when talking about the slang you would use and the connection with “mother tongue”.

  1. What could the writer add to make a stronger connection to those scholars and sources? Cite specific passages/page numbers.

I think the third page is very strong because of all the connections you had I couldn’t think of any more that you could use.

  1. Roses: List 3 strong aspects of this draft. Cite specific passages/page numbers.

-Great Hook

-Tells a really awesome story while still following the prompt

-Solid connections to other pieces

  1. Thorns: List 1 to 3 aspects of this draft the writer might improve, then offer a way for them to improve these aspects. 

– Could possibly add some more complex sentence’s to improve the flow.

Nadia Sumiar

  1. How does the writer set the scene (begin to tell the story) to get the reader “hooked”? Cite specific examples.

The hook was good because it began talking about literacy that she has read or heard through her childhood. I like how you brought up your literacy sponsors within the first paragraph and at what age and how you met them. 


  1. What specific context and details does the writer give for the literacy sponsor(s) or literacy activity? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

The context was mostly given in the intro paragraph which allowed me to understand who your literacy sponsors were and how they bettered your writing. Also on page 2 there is more context that was very good with the newspaper club.

  1.  How does the writer analyze the ways socioeconomic factors — like race, class status, gender – affect the access to literacy experiences and/or literacy sponsorship? Cite specific examples and page numbers.

There wasn’t much analysis of socioeconomic factors. I saw one on the first page talking about the newspaper club she attended in high school which could be a possible connection to socioeconomic factors.


  1.  What scholars – like Brandt and Gee – does the writer cite? Cite specific examples and page numbers

The Paul Gee citation was used very well on page 3 talking about her ability to write creatively. I also like the connection on page 2 talking about what a literacy sponsor is and how you yours came into your life.

  1. What could the writer add to make a stronger connection to those scholars and sources? Cite specific passages/page numbers.

The connections that were used to the scholars were very strong and fit well into the writing. I would have nothing to add for these connections I thought they were spot on.


  1. Roses: List 3 strong aspects of this draft. Cite specific passages/page numbers.

-The writing has a very good flow

-Good examples of literacy sponsors

– Good explanation of how these sponsor advanced her writing

  1. Thorns: List 1 to 3 aspects of this draft the writer might improve, then offer a way for them to improve these aspects. 

– add some more about socioeconomic factors.

Reading Journal #5

Reading Journal


Copy + Paste this template into a different document (do not try to type directly on it). Then fill it out and post to your blog. 


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Murray, Donald. “‘The Maker’s Eye.’” Nablucker Files WordPress, Aug. 2011, 
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words In this article Murray talks about the development of a piece of writing. The author compares the process of creating a piece between a professional writer and ameture writers. When writing rough drafts professional writers put all their thoughts out on a paper and don’t go for perfection. Professional writers accept criticism towards their pieces in order to better and improve their writing. Murray mentions the seven elements, these are important steps to take during the writing process to ensure a solid piece. Although a rigorous editing and redrafting period may seem tedious it is worth it because it allows you to get all your ideas out at the beginning and then going back over it multiple times to perfect it. 
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. “its opportunity for connotation and denotation and nuance” (Murray 3) 

Nuance is the slight difference in shades of meaning.

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


I connected this article to “mother tongue” because at the beginning of your writing you are purely allowing mother tongue to take over and get all your ideas out, but towards the re-drafting and editing period it is purely literacy correction and perfecting the flow of the writing.
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion. What is the most tedious part of drafting for you?


Reading Journal #4

Reading Journal


Copy + Paste this template into a different document (do not try to type directly on it). Then fill it out and post to your blog. 


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Author(s). “Title of Article.” Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, pages. 
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words This article is about literacy between cultures and the differences. It begins by telling a story about two families who were together for dinner one evening,  Fisherman explains the differences in the families and how they teach literacy towards their kids was different from their friends who were Old Order Amish. In this family the parents try to control the reading that comes into their house. They often write letters to different amish communities with relatives, former schoolmates, or groups of friends. Young children in these communities watch older children and imitate them. When their kids first went to school they realized the difference between Amish literacy and mainstream school literacy.
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. “Greeting cards, like letters, help unite far-flung Amish community, and like letters, the Fisher children compose their own” (Fisherman 846)

The amish communities practice literacy through communication of letters.

Far-flung: very distanced 

How does this  reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


This reading connects to Gee’s What is Literacy because in that article it talks about sponsors of literacy and the culture differences in literacy between cultures, in the piece we read today it highlights specifically how the amish culture’s literacy is different from the mainstream education.
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion. Could different regions of countries have different literacy?


Blog Post

Literacy to me is a way to express my thoughts and emotions in a non verbal way, and understand others emotions and ideas through their writing. Reading and writing is one of the most important things in our world because it allows us to communicate with large groups or even small groups of people with out physically talking to them. One of my sponsors of literacy was my college readiness coach who helped me practice for my main common app college essay. I learned so many new things with my college coach about different possibilities to form sentences with different puncuations and h0w to separate or combine 2 clauses. I would meet with my sponsor every other Sunday to write multiple different pieces that modeled the main common app essay, I would drive to downtown Denver which is about 30 minutes from my house and I would go to his office. One day we were learning about the importance and when it is smart to use a semi-colon or a dash. I began to write a story about my 3rd grade football championship, a story in which was not a super big part of my life but still was a narrative similar to what my common app essay was going to be about. My college coach Brad did a lot for me, he helped me find new universities Ive never heard of and made my writing and literacy way better.