About Me

H E Y   Y ‘ A L L   ! ! !

My name is Sarah Kane. I’m from a small town right outside of Jackson, MS called Clinton. Within the past 19 years I have lived in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Georgia. During high school I played soccer my junior and senior year, but I have been playing soccer in general for the past 9 years. My junior year of high school my photography skills got drug out of me when our football coach found out about my ability. I was asked to take pictures one night for a football game and from that night on I was the unofficial football photographer for our yearbook. Eventually, the baseball players and coaches found out about my ability to take pictures and what I was doing for the football team. I was approached one day to take pictures for baseball, I said yes, and the rest was history. Also during high school I was a Diamond Girl for our baseball team and was squad captain/overall head captain my senior year. My junior and senior year I was apart of my school’s yearbook staff where I was the photo editor/director/photographer. I was apart of several clubs and was ALWAYS busy.

In my free time (when I actually got/get it) there are several things I enjoy and like to do. I love to shop with my friends and spend time with them anytime I can. I love movies and could watch them all day long. Fun fact about me and movies are that I always think going to movies are good ideas, but I am always scared that I am going to hate the movie and it’s going to be a waste of my time. My favorite color is honestly any shade of blue, and I am obsessed with elephants because I view them as mystical animals. Music is something that I can listen to no matter what the mood that I am in. I love finding new bands and artist that help me widen my musical selection. Since I have such a strong love of music, something I enjoy tremendously are music festivals; I want to travel the United States with my cousin, Kellen, and go to as many festivals in a year that we can. Kellen and I are super close we are practically brother and sister, and we like to do big things such as music festivals together.

I am extremely excited to see what freshmen year has in store for me and for all the friends that I am meeting and will continue to meet. I know that things will be thrown at me and that I am going to have to figure out how to overcome them. I know that at the end of the day things will be okay because staying positive and trying to overcome the situation is the best way to take on life’s problems.

I hope you are excited to read my blog and to get to know me as we continue freshmen year together.

As always… Hotty Toddy!



"The Spaniard Leaves Again"
My little town got blessed my Junior year when Alvaro was placed in Clinton as a foreign exchange student. We became best friends and before we knew it he was on his way back to Spain. This past summer he got to come back to Mississippi to visit his host family and friends. We love our little Spaniard, and hate telling him goodbye.
7.17.16 - Selfie Sunday
Sunday, July 7, 2016
Half the times the pictures that Kellen, Wyatt, and I take are extremely random. They are 90% of the time taken in black and white because of our love for The Neighbourhood and their pictures are taken in black and white as well.
Half the time the pictures that Kellen, Wyatt, and I take are extremely random and never put together, but I always love the pictures. They are also 90% of the time taken in black and white because of our love for The Neighbourhood and they take all of their pictures in black and white.
My favorite thing about senior year was taken my casuals at the end of the year. Since I have played soccer we had some of my pictures taken in my jersey behind a soccer net.
My favorite thing about senior year was taken my casuals at the end of the year. Since I have played soccer for a huge portion of my life we decided to have some of my pictures taken in my jersey behind a soccer net.
I'm the one normally behind the camera so I very rarely have pictures taken of me, but Alfred Eisenstaedt says, "when I have a camera in my hands, I know no fear" the statement couldn't be anymore true for a photographer like myself.
I’m the one normally behind the camera so I very rarely have pictures taken of me. Alfred Eisenstaedt says, “when I have a camera in my hands, I know no fear” the statement couldn’t be anymore true for a photographer like myself. I am so very thankful that God gave me such an amazing talent.
My mother has been there helping me for the past 19 years. Yes, we fight all the time, but I don't want anyone else helping me through life except her.
My mother has been there helping me for the past 19 years. Yes, we fight and sometimes don’t see eye to eye, but I don’t want anyone else helping me through life except her.
Disney has my heart and so does Gaston. I've dreamed of being Belle since I was a little girl and I can't wait to apply for the Disney College Program at some point in the next four years while at Ole Miss.
Disney has my heart and so does Gaston. I’ve dreamed of being Belle since I was a little girl and I can’t wait to apply for the Disney College Program at some point in the next four years while at Ole Miss.
Diamond Girls is something that holds a very special place in my heart and always will. DG helped formed me into who I am today. I'm thankful for the 3 years that I was able to work with my high school baseball team. I'm extremely grateful also that I was given the opportunity to be the Diamond Girl Overall Head Captain for the 2015-2016 Baseball Season my senior year.
Diamond Girls is something that holds a very special place in my heart and always will. DG helped formed me into who I am today. I’m thankful for the 3 years that I was able to work with my high school baseball team. I’m extremely grateful also that I was given the opportunity to be the Diamond Girl Overall Head Captain for the 2015-2016 Baseball Season my senior year.
Hangout Fest is one of the most beautiful events that I have ever been too. I'm so thankful that I got to experience something to amazing and life changing with Kellen by my side.
Hangout Fest was one of the most beautiful events that I have ever been too. I’m so thankful that I got to experience something to amazing and life changing with Kellen by my side.
New York City is another destination that has my heart. I don't know many other 19 year olds that had the city and subway mastered by the age of 16 besides the ones that live there. Standing in the station on the yellow line feels so normal to me. I am so excited to move there for a year once I graduate from Ole Miss.
New York City is another destination that has my heart. I don’t know many other 19 year olds that had the city and subway mastered by the age of 16 besides the ones that live there. Standing in the station on the yellow line feels so normal to me. I am so excited to move there for a year once I graduate from Ole Miss.
This picture was taken at Hangout Fest in the middle of a sunset while we were waiting on a band to come on stage. It was beautiful to take it all in with everyone. I can’t wait to go back next year and experience it all again.
So thankful that Gabbi was one of the only friends that I had stay by my side all the way from elementary school to college. We may be in different cities now but I know if I need her I can call or text her. It is very rare when you find friends as good as that. I guess I just got lucky.
So thankful that Gabbi was one of the only friends that I had stay by my side all the way from elementary school to college. We may be in different cities now but I know if I need her I can call or text her. It is very rare when you find friends as good as that. I guess I just got lucky.