Bridge Project: Gallery Walk Reflection

Today in class I got to look into the mind of my fellow peers and see what they thought when the word America popped into their head. It was interesting to see that some of us thought of very similar things while at the same time feeling completely different about things. Where I felt that baseball, downtowns, and disney had “America” written all over it some of my peers thought of music festivals, transportation, and economy. I did notice that one of the most overlapping ideas that ran through all of our projects was education. It’s funny that when we all think of America we think of education because we aren’t the only place that has education. We also aren’t the only place in the world that makes kids go to school. I sit and wonder if the reason we think of education when we think of America is because we are currently going through it. When we get older will education just become a back thought and we will then think of our career when we think of America?

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