Midterms Got You Like

At the beginning of this semester I told myself that I was going to do a thousand percent better than last semester. I had so much motivation to stay on top of everything and study every night. With us being back in school now for almost a month that has slightly changed. With it now […]

What Can You Learn From a Procrastinator?

For as long as I can remember I’ve always put things off till the last minute. It is no secret that I am most definitely a procrastinator. Listening to the story from NPR I totally can understand what Urban is saying. So do I think that I can operate like Urban? There is no need […]

Critical Thinking and You

My sophomore year of high school I was blessed with the opportunity of serving as Sophomore class President. While this position was an honor to hold, it was also very difficult. As class president I was in charge of making decisions not only for myself but for my class as a whole. I had to […]

Unit Reflection of Website

In creating a website it was difficult to have to learn how to use the website builder before even creating my own to reflect my essay, but once I learned how to use it it was fine. I feel this suggest that I sometimes get frustrated very easily at things that are difficult and I […]