America in 8 Words

1. Baseball

Sports are huge in American and nothing is more American than baseball…well maybe tied with football. Baseball though started in New York in 1839 and is now officially known as America’s sport. To me I the reason that I think baseball and America go hand and hand is because it brings people together to cheer on their team. Everyone, no matter what their background is, will deck out in team colors and study up on players of the team for the season to be prepared for the games to come. Everyone will drop what they are doing to watch a game.

2. Downtown

Downtown Historic Districts hold rich history for little towns in America. “Mom and Pop” shops can be found all over little towns specially like mine. In the hometown that I grew up in we had an area of our town called Downtown Clinton also referred to as Brickstreet by residents of Clinton. In Downtown Clinton you could find towns of old antique shops and a cute little family ran bakery called Meme’s. America runs off of family oriented things and nothing is more family oriented then downtown historic areas.

3. The South

I was born in Mississippi and by the age of ten had moved to Tennessee, Georgia, and back to Mississippi. The South or as some people like to refer it as “the country” is a part of who I am. It’s sweet tea, church, SEC football, mud riding, cowboy boots, and tons of “y’all.” I don’t know it any other way. Yeah, northern states are great and bring many important things to what is America today, but when I first thing of America states such as Texas, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi all pop into my head first. Anything below the Mason-Dixon line that serves grandmas homemade cornbread with sweet tea that contains a gallon of sugar is full American to me.

4. Agriculture

Farming is a huge part of America without it we would not be where we are today. It is the number one thing we are known for. Agriculture is America’s backbone. There are certain places of America that rely on farming. Some people make their living on it and support their family that way.

5. Coca-Cola

Coke was first created in 1886. The reason that I think of Coke being related to America is because the first two-liter bottle of coke was bottled in Clinton, Mississippi at the Coca-Cola factory that is five minutes down the road from my house. Specially now Coke is the kind of the drink of America in which it encourages everyone to “melt” together. America in my opinion is a huge melting pot where people come to live their life.

6. Disney

Walt Disney World is known for the big boss man with two mouse ears. Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney in 1928. Walt Disney fulfilled the dream of never giving up and always being inspired even from the little things. He was sitting in his garage when he saw a little mouse run across the baseboard. He created a whole empire from a little mouse and because he never gave up. It’s the American dream to always find big things out of little things and to be an entrepreneur. Walt Disney created a place that allows everyone no matter the age to have fun and to be themselves.

7. Happiness

The American Dream is for everyone in America to be happy. We are supposed to be happy all the time because of the things we have been given such as our freedom. We aren’t supposed to be selfish and take for granted the things we have been given. Although majority of the time we do live in a very happy country, there are times that are hard for us. We all have different belief systems and sometimes disagree. We can’t expect for everyone to be happy all of the time, but happiness is something that everyone should try to attain.

8. Education

Something that is pushed so strongly in America is the need to gain the highest education possible. You are told at a very young age how important your education is for your future. Growing up your whole childhood is focused on graduating from high school. Once you graduate high school though your education isn’t over. In America you are told that you HAVE to go to college in order to be someone or to do something with your life. If you want to be extremely successful in your degree you have to even go past your four years of college and get your master or doctorate degree.

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