Critical Thinking and You

My sophomore year of high school I was blessed with the opportunity of serving as Sophomore class President. While this position was an honor to hold, it was also very difficult. As class president I was in charge of making decisions not only for myself but for my class as a whole. I had to put my views aside when they were different from my peers and make the decision that was best for my class. Sometimes there were decisions that were easy to make, but at times there were always times that were difficult. Difficult decisions were harder to make just because I  know that not everyone was going to be happy with the decision that I made. There were times when I didn’t think through decisions all the way through and thought just of my views and how I would have done things. When I didn’t put my views aside and didn’t think critically through the decision it ended up making the situation harder to handle. When I noticed that my decision to not stop and think critically made the situation at hand harder I decided from that point forward to think of others before myself in situations in the future.

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