Midterms Got You Like

At the beginning of this semester I told myself that I was going to do a thousand percent better than last semester. I had so much motivation to stay on top of everything and study every night. With us being back in school now for almost a month that has slightly changed. With it now being February and baseball season is underway all motivation is completely gone. My days are spent going to class and making it through and nights are spent out with friends around town. On Tuesday nights I will be at Swayze watching the baseball team. This semester though I have been better about going to class and I should could continue to keep that up. Like I said my motivation for the semester is already gone and so my grades are starting to fall. Something that I should change is even though there is no motivation to sit down at my desk or to go to the library I should. I just need to make myself focus for an hour overnight and do my homework for the evening.

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