Getting Rhetoric on Smith Lake

Over Labor Day weekend I went on the freshmen retreat with Young Life. There I met several new people and began new friendships. As anyone knows when making new friends one of the main points in the process is to make the best impressions. You are always thinking about what to say and how to portray your thoughts to the people you are meeting. The way that the people you are introducing yourself to react will determine if you will continue to grow and strengthen the friendship which is what happened this past weekend on Smith Lake during my Labor Day retreat with Young Life. While I was there, I had to introduce myself to people I had never met before and had to show things about myself that would make new people want to continue to build a friendship with me. While I was creating many different friendships I realized that I sometimes try to hard to have people like me. I know that it is important to give a good impression when meeting new people, but I don’t want to be portrayed as one of those people who try too hard to get people to like them and are fake about their personality.

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