Writing Center Attendance #4

On my fourth trip to the writing center I meet with Brian P. since I had already had my post grammatically fixed step by step. So when I meet with Brian I had him fix the flow of my paragraphs because even though I had fixed the grammar in the paragraphs there were parts of […]

Writing Center Attendance #3

For my third apportionment at the writing center I met with Marcianne Nelson. At this meeting she edited the second half of my post and fixed the grammatical errors within in the post. We talked about ways that we thought the idea could have been portrayed better. We talked about how being more detailed in […]

Writing Center Attendance #2

I went to the writing center and meet with Sydney A. to discuss the first half of my Epilogue post. She read through my post that i had so far and corrected my grammar. We talked about verb tenses and how to improve them when I write papers in the future. She even gave me […]

Writing Center Attendance #1

I went to the writing center and talked to Madison Passmore to talk about my understanding my Epilogue post. I wasn’t sure if on how to approach writing the article. I wasn’t sure on how to begin writing it and what information I should actually put in it. So, Madison helped me brainstorm and get […]

Individual Conference

During my conference I didn’t even have half of my paper written. I had only eight hundred words written.  I had done tons of research and had plenty of articles printed with highlighted information and facts. I had hit a block and couldn’t find anymore information to put into my paper. Thankfully when I had […]

Reflecting the Cause and Effect Rubric

After analyzing the rubric for the cause and effect essay I have realized that my paper need to “look” like put took. There needs to be organization and meaning. My paper needs to have a consent flow throughout it. I need to work on transitions between paragraphs so that my paper is more coherent and […]

Oh Midterms, Oh Midterms!

There are definitely grades that I am proud of and grades that I am not proud of. The grades that I am not proud of could definitely be improved. I could spend more time studying for the grades that I am not proud of. My Introduction to Journalism is my best grade and I am […]

Why Effects of Technology on Relationships

For our next essay I have chosen to write about how the technology of today effects relationships. The reason that I was interested in this topic is because technology a is a huge part of today’s society. I have a personal connection with the topic as well which helped me pick the topic. Technology effected […]

“How to Shatter Shame”

Shame is a common thing among humans in today’s society. It sucks that people have to experience such pain and what sucks even more is that other people cause such pain among others. What blows my mind is that the people that cause pain among others are the ones that have once experienced pain. Reading […]

Midterms Got You Like

At the beginning of this semester I told myself that I was going to do a thousand percent better than last semester. I had so much motivation to stay on top of everything and study every night. With us being back in school now for almost a month that has slightly changed. With it now […]