What Can You Learn From a Procrastinator?

For as long as I can remember I’ve always put things off till the last minute. It is no secret that I am most definitely a procrastinator. Listening to the story from NPR I totally can understand what Urban is saying. So do I think that I can operate like Urban? There is no need […]

Critical Thinking and You

My sophomore year of high school I was blessed with the opportunity of serving as Sophomore class President. While this position was an honor to hold, it was also very difficult. As class president I was in charge of making decisions not only for myself but for my class as a whole. I had to […]

Same Shit, Different Semester

This semester I have gotten way too comfortable with being in college and have gone out a lot more than I did first semester. First semester I hardly ever went out and tired my best to stay on top of my work. This semester though my care level has decreased and that isn’t a good […]

Spring Break Rhetoric

During spring break this year I had the opportunity to go to the happiest place on Earth… Disney World. In my opinion, Disney in general is a walking rhetoric image. You see Mickey’s ears anywhere and you automatically think of being on Main Street or in front of the Castle. So if you see a […]

Positive Action/ Behavior

Last week a positive behavior and action I had was that I expanded my group of friends and started hanging out with other people. All year long I have hung out with my roommate and best friend, not that there is anything wrong with that, but sometimes when you are with someone all the time […]

Bridge Project: Gallery Walk Reflection

Today in class I got to look into the mind of my fellow peers and see what they thought when the word America popped into their head. It was interesting to see that some of us thought of very similar things while at the same time feeling completely different about things. Where I felt that […]

Multi-Modal Project

For my multi-modal project I am targeting the athletic programs at colleges and universities where men receive more scholarships due to their gender then women do. Women are just as strong of athletes as men so they should be given the same attention and rewarded for their handwork. For my video I plan on recording […]

Most Valuable Point

I believe that the most valuable point of today’s class was reviewing exactly what ethos, pathos, and logos was. Even though I  was taught what they were in high school I didn’t remember them very well. I now have a better understanding of what they are. Also, I have a better understanding of how to […]