Epilogue Post

As a freshman in college, I have been able to watch myself grow over the past year since I graduated high school. The person I am now is not the same person who walked across the stage and received a high school diploma almost a year ago. I have changed so much since being in […]

Daily Write – February 15, 2017

The learning outcome that I am most confident about would be the conventions and mechanics. I enjoy making sure that everything is spelled correctly and that my paper makes sense so grammar is important. Something though that I still unsure about is the exploration argumentation. I don’t always understand how to combine two text and […]

America in 8 Words

1. Baseball Sports are huge in American and nothing is more American than baseball…well maybe tied with football. Baseball though started in New York in 1839 and is now officially known as America’s sport. To me I the reason that I think baseball and America go hand and hand is because it brings people together […]