Weekly Reflection 10

This week I read The New York Times article, “Ecuador Earthquake Kills Hundreds in Huge Wave of Collapses.”   The article described the magnitude of the earthquake Ecuador and its surrounding countries were hit with as well as the powerful aftershocks. It detailed the terrible destruction, heartbreak, and overall anguish people in many parts of the country are facing. Hundreds of people and animals were killed, thousands were injured, and hundreds of homes and buildings destroyed along with power outages and shortages of food, water, and medical supplies.

Articles about devastating natural disasters always hit very close to home for me. I can’t help but think of over 10 years ago when I was still little when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast area. The destruction was massive, overwhelming, and debris was everywhere. Many people died from the flooding, and many lost their homes and were left with nothing. The response time was slow, and it took years for the businesses and homes to come back and for people on the Gulf Coast to regain their lives. Reading over this article was just another reminder and chance for me to reflect on how fortunate I am that our house was not destroyed and all of my family members stayed safe. It’s easy to read an article about a disaster in a foreign country and not think too much about it, but going through a similar event really brings the scene to life and helps me relate to what others are going through. A small part of me is fortunate for Hurricane Katrina because it helps me to be an empathetic person and never take what I have for granted.

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