Unit 3 Reflection

My advice to a new student beginning the research paper would be to never be afraid to email their teacher and ask for help because it really does help. I would also discuss with them how helpful the student samples are and how they can contribute to their paper. I would talk about how they should put a lot of effort into the annotated bib because it helps so much with the works cited page, citing, commentary, and makes sure you have enough sources for your paper. I really liked the annotated bib (after it was done) because it has been so useful in my paper. If you forgot what a source was about, you could easily read the commentary you wrote on the source and decide which source best fits what you need. I would say that although it is sometimes hard to have the introduction or rough draft done in time for peer review, peer review for me was so effective. Also, having your teacher basically make you start on your paper and slowly add day by day helps by not procrastinating the paper and think on it for a long time.

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