Blog Post 9-18

Brendan Long

  1. These are traumatic events that happen in someone’s life before the age of eighteen. Adverse childhood experiences cover many things. These things can be bad parenting, abuse, racism, the divorce of your parents, etc. Substance abuse can also be a tragic thing. All of these things lead kids down bad paths and it affects them way past their childhood.
  2. The effects are endless. Growing up in poverty or in a place where your race is not respected will always affect the people that are raised in these conditions. Kids are influenced heavily by the environment around them. Meaning that if the people around them set bad examples, then the kids are sure to follow some of the examples. Statistics prove that kids that are born into these conditions are less likely to be successful.
  3. They can affect literacy in many ways. If a parent abuses and neglects their kid, they more than likely won’t be able to concentrate on their schoolwork and achieve the grades they are capable of. The same can be said about substance abuse or any of the others. The experiences are traumatic sometimes can take a lot of time to get over. Some may never get over them at all.

What the Eyes Don’t See Questions

Brendan Long

  1. Dr. Mona made a difference by exposing the government for cutting costs and putting the people of Flint Michigan in danger. Her research showed that the levels of lead in the water were dangerous to humans. The levels of lead have dropped in the last few years. There are still many pipes that have not been replaced so the people of Flint are still told to use filtered water.
  2. On a school trip, my friend got left behind at a restaurant. We were in Paris, so people could get lost easily. He called me and I told the teacher. My teacher and I walked for thirty minutes trying to find him. My friend was really scared. We were finally able to find him on one of the bridges over the river.
  3. The first thing we can do that is very easy is to stop littering. The world has enough trash in the ground already. We can recycle the things that we can as well as pick up trash when we see it.

Maker’s Eye Reading Journal

Reading Journal


Brendan Long 

Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Murray, Donald M. “The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts.” [The Writer, 1973.] The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues across the Disciplines. Ed. Gilbert H. Muller. 11th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2011. 
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words The article was about Murray’s writing style. He thinks that you must take both positive and negative opinions and imply them to your writing. He also believes that a paper can be revised many times. Most people think that one or two is enough but Murray thought that more revisions would usually be necessary. I thought the article was interesting because I usually don’t work as hard as I should on revisions. I usually only revised what the teacher told me to. I would correct simple punctuation errors and put more words in the places that were not explained well. I think that my papers in high school would have been way better if I would have put more time into revising my writing. 
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. “The writers of such drafts must be their own best enemy. They must accept the criticism of others and be suspicious of it; they must accept the praise of others and be even more suspicious of it.”

Murray says that you must be suspicious of both praise and criticism. He says that we need to critique ourselves of both of them, not just the bad things people say.

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


It relates to a study I did in high school about revisions. The results showed that kids with more revisions got better grades in most cases.   
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.  How can you develop the habits of implying complements of others into revisions of your writing?


Reading Journal – Fishman

Reading Journal

Brendan Long


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Fishman.“Pg (842-849).” Amish Literacy: What and How It Means, Heinemann Educational Books, 1996.

Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words  The article was about an Amish family. They have very weird traditions and cut themselves off from a lot of the things modern society has to offer them. They are brought up very differently. School in some of the families is less important than chores around the house and farm. The family in this story all stopped schooling after eighth grade. I was interested in the passage because I haven’t learned a great deal about the amish people and their traditions. It is interesting how people choose to live this way even though society presents them with so many tools. 
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. “Greeting cards, like letters, help unite the far-flung Amish Community” (Fishman 846)

This shows how the amish choose to be behind the times we live in today. Normal people do these things as well but the quote shows that they don’t have a lot of contact with each other.

“More importantly, Eli learned that literacy is a force in the world – his world – which imparts power to all those who possess it.” (847)

Eli is one of the kids in the family. This is a big realization for him because he figures out that he needs to have skills in being literate. He knows that if he ever wants to be able to function with modern people, he will have to know how to read and write.

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


 This relates to the passage we read by Brandt because it shows how who you grow up around impacts you in many ways. Amish people never give their kids some of the opportunities that most of us have today. These kids are not given a very fair chance to educate themselves fully.
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion. Is it fair for parents to still be forcing their kids to stay away from these modern things? 


Writing Log-Brendan

Friday, September 4


9:30 am

Snapchat text 

3 words

To my girlfriend


10:02 am 

Normal text 

12 words

To my mom


10:15 am 

Snapchat text 

5 words

To my girlfriend


10:55 am 

Snapchat text 

3 words

To my old football group chat


11:20 am

Snapchat text 

10 words 

To my girlfriend


12:00 pm

Snapchat text

5 words 

To my college friends


12:33 pm 

Snapchat text

10 words 

To my friend


12:38 pm

Snapchat text

8 words

To my girlfriend


12:43 pm

Snapchat text 

7 words 

To my girlfriend


12:56 pm

Snapchat text 

3 words

To my college friend


1:08 pm 

Snapchat text 

6 words

To my friend


1:22 pm

Snapchat text 

8 words 

To my girlfriend


1:31 pm

Snapchat text 

3 words

To my girlfriend


1:36 pm

Snapchat text

4 words

To my girlfriend 


1:48 pm

Snapchat text 

5 words 

To my friend


2:07 pm

Snapchat text 

4 words 

To my friend 



Biology notes

150+ words

For myself 



Snapchat text 

5 words

To my girlfriend 



Snapchat text 

3 words 

To my girlfriend



Text message

20 words 

To my Dad 



Text message 

6 words

To my Dad 



Snapchat text

3 words 

To my girlfriend



Math notes 

100+ words and problems

To myself 



Snapchat text 

3 words

My highschool group chat



Snapchat text 

7 words 

To my friend 



Snapchat text 

4 words

To my friend



Snapchat text

6 words

Football group chat



Snapchat text

9 words

To my friend 



Snapchat text

6 words

To my friend



Snapchat text 

8 words

To my girlfriend



Snapchat text 

4 words

To my girlfriend



Snapchat text

7 words

To old football team 



Snapchat text

4 words

To my girlfriend



Text message 

6 words

To my grandma



Snapchat text 

5 words

To my grandma 



Snapchat text

3 words 

To my friend



Snapchat text

4 words 

To my girlfriend



Snapchat text

6 words 

To my girlfriend


Reading Journal #3- What is Literacy?

Reading Journal

 Brendan Long


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page “James Gee” What Is Literacy? International Reading Association, 1999.“Pg (18-23).”

Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words  The article was about discourses as a whole. How they are learned throughout life and can be taught as well. I thought the passage was interesting and it made a lot of sense. The passage says that you acquire a lot of habits or discourses by the people you grow up around as well as the people in your family. The passage highlights that acquiring is very different from learning. Acquiring is something that happens the more you are around it, the best example is the language you are taught when you are a child. To learn something it must be taught to you through someone by classes or some sort of scheduled meetings or even virtually.
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.  “Acquisition is a process of acquiring something subconsciously by exposure to models and a process of trial and error… happens in natural settings which are meaningful and functional in the sense that acquirers know that they need to acquire something in order to function.” (Gee 20)

This better shows the difference in acquiring and learning. Acquiring is something that you naturally pick up by being around others who practice the same.

“Learning is a process that involves conscious knowledge gained through teaching, though not necessarily from someone designated a teacher, this teaching involves explanation and analysis”(20)

This quote explains that learning is different from acquiring because you have to be taught through explaining and not just picking it up. Learning is not something that feels necessary like acquiring certain things is.

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


This shows how much it means to be raised around people with good habits. Even Though you can develop new ones and change. It helps to have good people around you growing up.
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion. If we moved to a country that had a different language, How long would it take to be able to communicate?


Reading Journal #2

Reading Journal


Brendan Long


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page

“Brandt” The Sponsors of Literacy, by Deborah Brandt, National Research Center on English Learning & Achievement, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1997. (Pg. 166-172)

Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words 

The pages in the novel were about the development of literacy and how many advantages and opportunities that it gives you throughout your life. It is trying to show us a relationship between economies were a majority get schooling tend to do better economically. Centuries ago, when slavery was accepted, economies were able to thrive while only the more fortunate were able to get proper education. As time passed it education became more and more accessible. I enjoyed the passage and some of the creative word choice. I like how she insists that people with the opportunity to get a good education need to do their part in spreading what they’ve learned and helping others get the same chances they had.

Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.

“The approach is through what I call sponsors of literacy. Sponsors, as I have come to think of them, are any agents, local or distant, concrete or abstract, who enable, support, teach, model, as well as recruit, regulate, suppress, or withhold literacy—and gain advantage by it in some way.” (Brandt 166)

Brandt is saying that sponsors are people who have knowledge. The people who have better education should do what they can to spread what they know.

“sponsors seemed a fitting term for the figures who turned up most typically in people’s memories of literacy learning: older relatives, teachers, priests, supervisors, military officers, editors, influential authors.” (167)

This shows that sponsors are people we look up to throughout our lives. These are the people who usually have a big influence on who you become. It helps if the people around you support you.

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?

It connects with the our first passage we had to read in some ways. In The Sponsors of Literacy they make points about the past and how fewer people had the opportunity to get an education. They both talk about the benefits of having more people with the ability to read and write.


Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.

Will  free education ever be accessible for everyone?



Peer Group resumes

  1. I’m Brendan Long, I like to think that I can be a pretty creative writer. I struggle with punctuation and run-on sentences.
  2. Id just like people that are easy to talk to and are willing to do the work. I’m fine with being criticized cause I believe writing is something I’m pretty weak on.
  3. Gryffindor
  5. No

Twitter Thread blog post Brendan Long

My writing has been affected by my race in many ways because it affects the way I look at life. Because I am white in the United States, I haven’t ever been held back from anything in this country by my race so I have never felt the struggles that many do. In my past projects, I’ve had to write about many of the races who were treated unfairly throughout history. I am very lucky to have never been treated unfairly or made fun of because of my voice or color of my skin. When writing about the oppression of races I show that it is unfair and unjust because nobody can change their race.

Elbow Reading Journal Brendan Long

Reading Journal



Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page

Elbow, Peter. “Pg (359-365).” In Everyone Can Write: Essays toward a Hopeful Theory of Writing and Teaching Writing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words

The article was about how certain dialects were thought of as inferior and were not able to learn how to write. Throughout history, more and more cultures were accepted and were taught how to write from a young age. We still face a lot of these problems in theses times but not as many. Kids who are never taught how to read or write are at a big disadvantage in our modern society and are almost guaranteed to fail. Thankfully, a majority of the world now has access to schooling and most people.

Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.

“To imply to children or adults … that it doesn’t matter how you talk or how you write is to ensure their ultimate failure” (“Silenced Dialogue” 292) pg.361

This shows that kids need to learn how to read and write properly or it will ensure their failure.

“No longer could the homogeneous student population of the pre-War years be assumed, as more and more young people from non-elite backgrounds came to fill the universities in search of access to the privileges of high socioeconomic rank. (Belin and Rudolf qtd. in Boyd 57-58)” pg. 360

This is showing how kids that came from less elite backgrounds started to fill universities after the Civil War.

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?

 It applies to the issues of poverty in the United States today. Kids who are born into households with more wealth have access to more opportunities than families who are struggling. With more opportunities comes a higher chance to be successful.

Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.

What would the world be like if certain dialects were still thought of as inferior and were not given proper schooling?