Ten ways to have a better conversation

In the ted talk 10 ways to have a better conversation, Mrs.  Headlee talks about how to have a better conversation. She states that in today’s world we are more divided than ever and most conversations end in arguments she’s found 10 ways to make those conversations more productive.  Her first tip is not to multitask while she wants you to put down your phone or tablet, he really means to be present at the moment don’t think about what you’re doing after the conversation or where you have to be. Her second tip is to set aside your opinion.  What she means by this is don’t state your opinion and not want a response in return be ready to listen. Her third tip is to use open-ended questions by starting your questions with who, what, why, or when. Her fourth tip is to go with the flow this means thoughts will go into your mind and to let them out. Her fifth tip is if you don’t know something say you don’t know it. Her sixth tip is to not equate your experience with theirs. Her seventh tip is to not repeat yourself. Her eighth tip is to stay out of the weeds and what she means by this is don’t try and remember the years the dates the names because people do not care. Her ninth tip and most important one is to just listen to the conversation. Her tenth tip is to be brief what she means by this is not to ramble on to make it short and interesting 

social media rhetorical

Cameron Hagen 


Writ 101 

Mr. G 

Donald Trump’s Twitter 


Donald Trump is known to be ruthless on twitter and to say whatever is on his mind. This is sometimes a problem for the president. On Aug 3, 2018, Trump sent out a tweet stating, “Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!”. After tweeting this out, he received tons of backlash from all different people, from fans of Lebron to politicians. Though Lebron never tweeted back at him right after Trump tweeted this, Lebron put out a tweet stating, “Let’s get it kids!! Love you guys” (underneath the post was a picture of lots of young children at school). Most people believe he was trying to act like the bigger man and not acknowledge his tweet and focus on more significant issues like education. Though others came to Lebron’s defense, such as Congressman Tim Ryan, he stated that “I think @realDonaldTrump could stand to learn a thing or two from @KingJames. Instead of tweeting about him, he should try following his example”. Tim Ryan tried to make him look like a fool for tweeting about a basketball player instead of doing his job as president and focusing on real issues. Not only did congressman Tim Ryan come to LeBron’s defense, so did Adam Rippon, a celebrity history influencer who tweeted, “LeBron James is helping young people get an education. You are an old delusional racist who puts our country at risk.” This tweet was at a time of controversy for only a year prior was the Charlottesville incident where President Trump stated there were good people on each side which some people came to take as the president was supporting the Neo-Nazi group that was at the protest. In fact, the one-year anniversary of the event was only nine days away. The most surprising person that came to Lebron’s defense was Jhon Kasich, a Republican who ran against Trump in the 2016 republican primaries. He stated, “Rather than criticizing @KingJames, we should be celebrating him for his charity work and efforts to help kids. By the way, all-around he’s better than Michael Jordan. That’s a fact.” This came as a shock to most people being that a republican who has completely different views than Lebron would come to his defense. When asked why he defended Lebron, he said that the president shouldn’t be tweeting about a basketball player but instead be doing his job as president and helping the people of America instead of dividing them.   

I accidentally put this in drafts instead of posting it that’s why its a day late.


Reading Journal 


Copy + Paste this template into a different document (do not try to type directly on it). Then fill it out and post to your blog.  


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page  Author(s). “Title of Article.” Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, pages.  

Rebecca Jones. Finding the Good Argument OR Why Bother With Logic? Pgs. 156-159 “The Appeals” pgs. 166-168 

Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words   In the first couple paragraphs of the article by Rebeca Jones she talks about arguing and how an argument is just like the concept of war. When someone argues one another person they will go at each other throats to win and at the same time will defend their own arguments. He discusses how most media outlets will talk about opinions rather than facts personally I find this sickening for it divides people even more. They media will appeal to their audience by using logos, ethos and pathos. These methods are how you appeal to an audience and grab their interest. 


Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. 


 Logos: “Using logic as proof for an argument. For many students this takes the form of numerical evidence. But as we have discussed above, logical reasoning is a kind of argumentation.” 

Ethos: “Calling on particular shared values (patriotism), respected figures of authority (MLK), or one’s own character as a method for appealing to an audience.” 

Pathos: Using emotionally driven images or language to sway your audience. 


How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research? 


 It a new way of writing and understanding literature.  
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.  Is Logos, Ethos, Pathos the most interesting way to write?   


What are ACEs and toxic stress? Ace and toxic stress is when a child experiences strong and prolonged adversity. This includes emotional abuse, neglect, and physical abuse as well. Adversities like poverty, racism, and violence can and will impact a child’s development.  It can make them very introverted and shy. This has lifelong side effects such as drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and social anxiety Not only will this hinder the success of a child once they reach adulthood but it can also lead to a shorter life spanAce can extremely affect a child’s learning ability in school and outside of school. Most kids who suffer from ACE end up becoming shy and introverted thus, they never ask questions in class so they don’t know if their work is right. Not only that but it also affects how they learn for, instead of worry about the school they have they worry about emotional or physical abuse. This is no way for a child to live and more should be done legally to stop it. 

What They’re Eyes Don’t See

Dr. Mona in the story “what the eyes don’t see” makes a huge difference within her community. She advocates for Children within Flint Michigan who don’t have a voice within their community. She strives to tackle the major problem of having clean water in Flint Michigan. For example, the pipes are very corrosive and can lead to many long-term problems. Where I grew up, I saw firsthand how big a problem poverty and the consequences of it that most people did not see. I saw kids that just couldn’t make it to school because they had to get a job to help their families out. This results in kids falling out of school because they have to put food on the table and these kids get stuck because they can’t seek higher education to get out of poverty. If I could do anything, I would start a food drive to help these kids out in poverty. If I received enough funding Id be able to these kids in school and help them graduate.  


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page  Murray, Donald. “The Maker’s Eye”. The Writer. 11th ed. 2011.   
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words  The article “The Maker’s Eye” by Murray mainly discusses how professional writers write their papers compared to how amateur writer write their papers. He discusses how amateur writers will edit based on grammatical errors and will just do a quick look over the paper. Compared to how professional writers will take a step back and look into the fine print of their papers. Professional writers will put aside grammatical errors and instead focus on the content of the paper itself. He describes the process as the seven-element process. These steps consist of audience, subject, development, form, structure, and dimensions. This process will bring your average writer to a pristine writer overnight. 


Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.  Angerthe– A strong feeling of displeasure. 

Typographical- relating to the style, appearance, or production of printed matter 

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research? 


I think all the articles so far are connected through better understanding literacy. 
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.  How did he come up with the 7 step process ?


What is literacy to me?

Literacy, to me, is different from how most people see it. Most people see literacy as just being able to read and write. To me, it is so much deeper than just being able to read and write. I believe that literacy is different in every person and individual, and it defines who a person is. Literacy is formed in each individual by how they were brought up, what friends they have, who their family is, where they are from, and what they believe as an individual. One of my biggest literacy sponsors was my mother. She is from the deep south. The way I talk, read, and write comes from her. She instilled my way of thinking literacy wise at an early age. I vividly remember her punishing me when I would address her by her first name. She saw it as disrespectful and rude. This translated to people outside my family as well. She made sure I address all my elders and adults as sir and mam. She even used to read over my emails before sending them to make sure I said yes mam and no sir every time I answered a question. Also, to always end my emails with thank you for your time and sincerely, Cameron Hagen. 

Andrea R. Fishman

Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page  Fishman.“Pg (842-849).” Amish Literacy: What and How It Means, Heinemann Educational Books, 1996. 
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words   The Andrea Fisherman article was mainly about the Amish lifestyle and what people don’t see. Most people see many weird people who ride horses and hate electricity, but fisher dives more in-depth than that and their lesser-known traditions. For most Amish people, chores and helping the family always comes first, then comes school. This is very different from how most Americans live. We live on the idea that no matter what you have to do that day, you must go to school five days a week, and when you are done with school, we do our chores and help the family if we have time.  They also stop school after the eighth grade. This is so much different from most Americans 92% of Americans will graduate high school, but the Amish see no need for further education after the eighth grade. For they instead help their families and communities rather than go to school for four more years. 


Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.  Discourse -“a socially accepted association among ways of using language, of thinking, and of acting that can be used to identify oneself as a member of a socially meaningful group or ‘social network” 
How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research? 


The following passage is a lot alike the Brandt passage where who you grow up around influence the way you write talk and read. 


Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.  Should the Amish be forced to adapt and contribute to modern society? 




24 hour writing blog


Got on snapchat for 5 mins at 2:00pm

sent a pictue to my freind

10 words

Writing assiments 2:10-4:00

300 words

reading jounal 2:10-2:50

250 words

sociology  chapter reivew

120 words


reading assiment


130 words

Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page


Gee, James Paul. “What is Literacy?” Journal of Education, Vol. 171, No. 1, pp. 18-23, Trustees of Boston University, 1989 http://jamespaulgee.com/pdfs/Gee%20What%20is%20Literacy.pdf 
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words  The main idea of the article “What Is Literacy” by James Lee is how essential reading, writing, and literacy is. James starts off this article by giving five different definitions of discourse and each one of their purposes. He uses these definitions to explain the identity kit. The author goes into a further explanation of how where some grew up, who their parents were, who their friend group is, and where they come from ultimately can influence how they read, write, and talk. There cultural and social background can also affect how they hear the language as well. The author also points out that literacy is different from person to person, and society likes to separate those who have a different kind of literacy than most.   
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author.  Discourse- a socially accepted way of thinking that uses languageway of thinking, and acting that can be used to identify oneself as a member of a socially meaningful group. 
How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?  This article ties directly to the past two articles which have both been on the literacy of some sort.  
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.  Is it a natural reaction to separate people who are different or is it learned?