How to Purchase a Set of St Pat’s Day Shirts?

St Pattys Day shirts are a great gift idea for any person in your life. This day is celebrated every year on March 14th and can be celebrated in a number of different ways. It can be celebrated as a day of remembrance or a day to get together with friends and family members. Whatever you choose to do with your St. Patrick’s Day shirts, they will always be appreciated.

There are a variety of things that one could do with his or her St Patrick’s Day shirts. For instance, you could wear them on a picnic or out on a picnic hike. They are just as appropriate for the beach or hiking in the forest as they are when you are wearing them out at a barbeque.

There are some companies that produce the St Pat’s Day shirts that are specially designed for this celebration. Many companies will have their own website where you can order them as well as check out their selection of the best designs available on the market. They will ship the shirts to you at your front door and if you need them by a certain date they will do their best to accommodate your needs.

When you order the St Pat’s Day shirts you may also be able to choose from a wide range of other designs. Most websites will allow you to print out a design that you like and then have it shipped right to you.

These are just a few of the great gift ideas that you can come up with using the St Pat’s Day shirts. If you are looking for a creative way to bring in a little more cash for your loved ones, then consider buying these shirts.

Some people may not realize it, but this day is a very important holiday. It was once a commemoration of the death of Saint Patrick. His conversion was very important to the Irish and their culture, so the celebration has continued to be a yearly event ever since.

Because of the significance of St Pat’s Day it is not only used by Catholics, but it is also important for those who follow the Celtic religion. In fact, the Irish are very proud of St. Patrick’s Day and many of them still celebrate it. It would be a good idea for someone to purchase a shirt and wear it for this occasion to show their pride.

Another idea that you may want to consider purchasing St Pat’s Day shirts is to use them to help raise money for a worthy cause. You can easily buy one for yourself or for someone else and then give them to the person that is giving the gift.

If you know someone that is in the military or an athlete then maybe you can get him or her to help with the gift. These shirts are so comfortable and can be worn on a daily basis that it is easy to make a worthwhile donation.

Should You Choose an Open Or Closed System For Surgical Operations?

A human orifices is defined as any opening on a human body where an organ is present. These organs are commonly known as internal orifices. It has been a longstanding debate between surgeons and physicians on whether an open or closed system is better than the other for surgical operations.

In an open system, the organs are not enclosed by a closed orifice. There is no need for an external flap or suture to be placed in front of the orifice as in a closed system. This creates a smooth opening which allows the surgeon to perform a more complete operation on the organ without damaging the tissue. In addition, with an open system, there is less chance of infection and other complications as it is much easier for them to access the organ.

For closed systems, a suture is needed to secure a closed orifice. Once the flap is closed, a suture can be placed over the opening and then an incision is made around the orifice and the organ is placed inside the sutures. This type of system requires the surgeon to make an incision from the neck or behind the ear up to the groin area of the patient.

The downside of this type of operation is that there is a possibility that the organ can be partially or completely exposed to the surrounding tissue once the sutures have been inserted. Because of this risk, it is recommended that a second surgical procedure will be required for patients who have exposed or partially exposed organ.

For some patients, an open system may be more appropriate. It is more difficult to insert the sutures into the opening. However, once the sutures are placed, they are much more comfortable for the surgeon to perform the surgery on. Patients that have this type of system do not have to worry about exposing their organ to the surrounding tissue as the sutures are completely enclosed.

While the advantages of an open system have many advantages, one drawback is that the organ must be exposed to the tissue of the sutures to ensure that it is exposed and not exposed to the surrounding tissue after the procedure. This can be a problem for patients with small organ or that are very close to their body. Another disadvantage is that if the organ is exposed to the tissue, it can be damaged during the recovery process due to the presence of infection. fluids that can enter the abdominal cavity. Even though some surgeons prefer this system, many others still favor closed system due to its greater safety and ability to perform more intricate surgeries.

How to keep skin looking young with Natural Ingredients

Anti-aging, this jargon is a big deal in the skin-care domain. In a society that values greatly young-looking skin, the claims about reverse aging supplements in skin-care products are challenging, needless to say. Truth be told, nothing you try with your skin-care regime can thoroughly prevent, pause, or reverse the natural course of aging. And, the rate at which aging depends on several factors, genetics, environment, and skin-care regime. The real question is what do we do with products shelved as anti-aging skin-care products. Well, a few potent anti-aging ingredients in these products have positive benefits, including managing fine lines, translating youthful complexion, reducing pigmentation issues, and several more. Anti-aging skincare products are one area of skin-care territory that is witnessing innovations continually, that may or may not have tangible evidence to support them. Here are a few anti-aging supplements ingredients that have stood the test of time. 


This is the primary active ingredient in turmeric possessing potent anti-aging properties, which are hinted at its strong antioxidant ability. When cells stop dividing, cellular senescence happens, and as we age accumulation of senescent cells amps-up aging. 

Studies indicate that curcumin helps in the activation of specific proteins, which helps in delaying cellular senescence and stimulates longevity. Besides that, curcumin combats cellular damage and relieves age-related symptoms. 

This may be the reason why the consumption of turmeric has been attributed to alleviated risks of age-related mental decline in humans. The curcumin intake can be increased by either using turmeric in meals or taking curcumin supplements.

Beta Nicotinamide riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide

NR and NMN are predecessors to nicotinamide adenine nucleotide, a compound involved in several critical bodily processes, DNA repair, gene expression, and more. As the age progresses, the levels of NAD+ decline, and these declining levels are closely related to the onset of age-related issues. 

Animal studies have demonstrated that supplementing with β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide restores NAD+ levels and prevents physical decline related to aging.  Also, a clinical trial conducted on humans in 2019 shows that oral intake of NR supplements daily of 1 gram for 3 weeks demonstrated increased NAD+ levels in skeletal muscle and reduced levels of inflammatory proteins. With that said, NMR and NR supplement intake may help improve NAD+ levels in your body and prevent age-associated genetic changes, including signs of aging on the skin. 


Epigallocatechin gallate is known to the world as a polyphenol compound found in green tea, offering great health benefits. Several types of research support that its use brings-down risk of certain cancer types, heart diseases, and other health conditions. The ability to support longevity and safeguard against age-related disease development are a few properties among EGCG’s diverse range of health-promoting properties. 

Epigallocatechin works by restoring mitochondrial function in cells to slow-down aging. Also, it induces the process by which the human body removes damaged cellular material.  The intake of green tea has been associated with a lower risk of all-cause fatality and heart-disease-related deaths. Plus, studies have demonstrated EGCG can protect against signs of aging caused by UV light. 

** Epigallocatechin gallate can be supplied to the human body either by consuming green tea or taking OTC supplements.


It is an essential antioxidant type produced by the human body that plays a key role in energy production and protection against cellular damage. As we age the levels of CoQ10 in the body decreases, researchers suggest that supplementing the human body with CoQ10 improves established aspects of health in the geriatric population. These supplements work by reducing oxidative stress, a condition caused by the accumulation of free radicals that amp-up the aging process, and several age-related issues. 


It is a yellow carotene pigment in saffron, a popular spice used in Indian and Spanish food. Several types of research support that crocin offers severe health benefits, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-diabetic effects. Besides these, crocin exhibits the potential to serve as an anti-aging compound. Also, it helps in preventing aging in human skin cells by cutting-down inflammation and safeguarding against cellular damage caused by Ultraviolet radiation. Considering that saffron is the most experience spice, a concentrated saffron supplement could be a more cost-effective way to enhance crocin intake. 


The high potency of collagen to reduce the appearance of skin aging makes it a key to potential to youth. Collagen is a vital component of the human skin that helps in maintaining its structure. With aging, the production slows down, thereby collagen loss amps-up several signs of aging like pigmentation and wrinkles. A clinical trial conducted on women in 2019 suggests that consuming 2.5 grams of collagen for 12 weeks improved skin elasticity and skin hydration.  


L-theanine is a free form amino acid found exclusively in tea leaves and fungi, helpful in improving mood and decreasing stress levels. The key natural sources of L-theanine are mushrooms and green tea. Glutathione is the body’s most important antioxidant molecule that acts as a natural cell defender against toxins and free radicals and this amino acid exhibits potency to boost glutathione levels.  


The health benefit effects stated for the use of garlic as a natural supplement include detoxification, antioxidation, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, and tumor suppression. Several external and internal parameters, such as stress, pollution, genes, UV radiation, and more are responsible for skin aging. Photoaging is responsible for most skin aging signs (wrinkle formation), resulting from a combination of persistent UV damage and inherent aging. Garlic compounds inhibit NF-κB activation properties and support protection against UV-induced immunity suppression. So that said, garlic slows-down skin aging process helps you look younger longer.

** Garlic can be supplied to the human body either by adding to your recipes or taking OTC supplements. 

The above-mentioned 8 supplements may help in cutting-down the aging process and encourage longevity. However, some studies suggest intaking certain supplements may slow down aging, the best and sure-shot way to encourage a long healthy life is by engaging in healthy practices of consuming a healthy diet, regular exercise, and cutting down stress.

The Guide To Regulatory Compliance Framework For Commercial Mortgage Loans

Whether you want to build or purchase a condominium, you will likely be required to obtain a mortgage. Most people cannot purchase something so expensive outright and you likely fit into this category. With this in mind, you should understand that commercial mortgage loans will be regulated. It is important to make sure that your loan is compliant. Otherwise, you may run into problems along the way. In the early days, it was referred to as consumer compliance but that has changed.

Now, compliance impacts the entire bank. Compliance examiners are now studying commercial loan files. There are numerous things that can impact a commercial loan. Below, you’ll learn more about regulatory compliance for commercial mortgage loans and more.

Fair Housing

The Fair Housing Act plays an important role in the real estate market. Furthermore, it is going to impact commercial lending in various ways. First and foremost, it prevents lenders from discriminating against borrowers. The Fair Housing Act regulates mortgages for single family homes as well as loans for purchasing or construction any dwelling. For instance, this will impact your ability to get a loan to build a condo or apartment building.

Commercial lenders have to be very cautious because they do not want to discriminate against their clients. Discrimination is prohibited when considering the borrower, the borrower’s associates, and the property’s location. Commercial lenders must take steps to avoid discriminating against clients.

ECOA Regulation B

While many people do not know it, the Equal Credit Opportunity and Regulation B will be important for commercial lenders. The Consumer Credit Protection Act does not include a consumer purpose test. With that being said, Regulation B isn’t concerned whether the loan is for business or personal credit. Commercial loans are given special treatment thanks to the procedures of 1002.9. If there is a first lien security interest on a family dwelling for 1 to 4 families, there will need to be appraisal and valuation notices.

This has given examiners another reason to study commercial files. Either way, borrowers should know that ECOA prohibits discrimination in commercial lending and consumer lending. This is something lenders and borrowers will have to remember when working with commercial loans.

Flood Hazard

Commercial real estate is governed by flood insurance regulations. These regulations are based on whether the lending agency decides to obtain a security interest in any improved real property. One thing to note is that these regulations do not worry about consumer or commercial borrowers. They’re universal across the board. All common timing requirements and the certification will also apply to commercial loans. Any improvement located in a flood zone will need to be covered by insurance before the loan can be closed. It is vital to understand that this includes barns and warehouses.

Commercial lenders often believe it is up to the commercial borrower to determine whether they should obtain insurance. Congress believed otherwise. Congress enacted this law because it wanted to make sure that it didn’t have to bail out uninsured lenders after flooding. Some business customers may be hesitant about purchasing flood insurance. The lender will need to convince them otherwise. They can do so by reminding the borrower that disaster assistance is only available once.

Furthermore, it is a loan and not a grant. This means that the borrower will have to pay it back at some point. Either way, flood insurance regulations are very important when it comes to building a regulatory compliance framework.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

The Fair Credit Reporting Act primarily deals with consumer protection laws. However, there are times when it will also apply to business loans. This act includes all reports assembled, acquired, and used regarding consumers. Historical information about a corporation would likely not be covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. However, there is always a chance that a lender is going to obtain credit reports belonging to the owners and principals of the business. If this happens, those reports will be subject to FCRA. When the commercial lender obtains these reports, they will need to obey all regulations set forth by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

The lender will need to provide notices if adverse action is taken based on information found in these reports. This is something borrowers and lenders need to consider.

Accommodation Loans

At some point, a commercial lender may be asked to provide an accommodation loan to one of their business clients. The loan may be associated with a mortgage, consumer loan, home equity, or something else. The loan may be a consumer loan. If the loan is consumed oriented, it must meet all requirements of consumer regulations. However, the loan may be made for business purposes. If this is the case, it would not have to meet those consumer regulations. Even if the borrower is a business, these rules may apply.

Various Industries Incorporate Vending Machines As A Marketing Strategy

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The vending machine is an invention that from the moment was first introduced to the world has significantly phone under-the-radar in terms of the power of its efficiency and the recognition and acknowledgement that it gets in terms of its true value. Over the years, the vending machine has proven its value time and again and as a result, our continuous awareness and understanding of just how powerful this invention is has continued to flourish and thrive. More than ever before, we are seeing further interest investment continue to propel for with the advancement and enhancement of the vending machine.

Today, the vending machine is more efficient and more accessible than that has ever been before. This is true around the globe and as a result the vending machine has only continued to prove its immense value and honourable potential, not only in its original design and intend, but outside of that frame as well. Today, the vending machine is utilised in far more scopes of impact than was perhaps intended when it was first introduced to the world. And in so many ways, the world is better for it.

The many uses of vending machines

Over the years, vending machines have been used to advertise, market, and sell anything and everything from food and drinks to make up and tech gadgets and other products. The many uses of vending machines have effectively and successfully made them one of the most diverse and flexible inventions that has been introduced to the world and recent human history. Today, the many uses of vending machines today has resulted in its reputation as a convenient and efficient invention.

Industries today utilising vending machines as marketing efforts

Now, modern businesses are utilising vending machines as a marketing strategy. The effectiveness of a vending machine as a key marketing strategy for businesses and even entire industries lies in the fact that it is convenient and efficient while also being a fresh and exciting way for consumers to get a solid indication of what a business is really all about. Entire Industries today are utilising vending machines as marketing efforts and as a result they are cheating further one longevity and success in terms of consumer reach and loyalty.

The appeal in vending machine marketing

Essentially, there is a powerful and significant appeal in using vending machines as a marketing strategy simply for the fact that in the short time they have been used as a marketing strategy, they have continuously proven their value time and again. Whether it is the utilisation of small vending machines or the inclusion of big vending machines as a key marketing strategy, the simple fact is that the appealing vending machine marketing is really continuing to go from strength to strength, further proving that this is a marketing strategy that is well and truly here to stay. This is likely, if not certainly, just the start for vending machine marketing.

How Different Industries Are Using Circuit Boards

Circuit boards are used in a variety of industries to track, calculate, and report on information. Circuit design is a complicated process whereby boards are engineered for maximum efficiency. The designers also take into account how the board will be incorporated into its final product. For instance, surface mount technology is where components are directly attached to the board using a soldering iron. Many of these boards use blind and buried vias on both sides of the board. The opposite of SMT manufacturing is thru-hole mounting, which gives a stronger connection and is typically used in prototyping.

Here’s a look at how different industries use circuit boards to innovate and regulate their business. 

Industrial and Manufacturing Equipment

For industrial applications, the PCBs need to be very high-powered to stand up to the needs of large assembly lines and production facilities. Additionally, these warehouses and factories like an SMT assembly workshop will often have very harsh physical environments, such as extreme heat or cold. 

There are also chemical applications that PCBs need to be able to withstand. As a result, circuit boards for industrial uses are typically made with incredibly resistant materials. They can stand up to a wide range of temperatures as well as harsh chemicals. These circuit boards might be made with more durable metals than those you would find in consumer electronics. 

Industrial circuit boards are usually thicker than other types of boards, and they tend to use thru-hole technology to achieve maximum durability. Some examples of industrial applications are electric drills, power inverters, solar cogeneration equipment, and measuring tools that can control temperature, pressure, and other levels. 

Medical Devices in Hospitals

More hospitals and healthcare professionals are innovating new uses for printed circuit boards in the medical industry. They are typically used in monitoring and diagnostics. As a result, it is absolutely essential that board manufacturers who work with the medical industry pay strict attention to reliability. Lives are literally on the line when using these devices. 

Many PCBs are incorporated into implanted devices, like pacemakers. These boards must also be incredibly sterile and small. These are typically HDI, or high-density interconnects. One major example of medical boards is the CT or CAT imaging system. They also interact with computers to analyze the images, which of course use circuit boards as well.

Not only do doctors use circuit boards but patients use them, too. Heart rate monitors, blood glucose monitors, and insulin pumps rely on printed circuit boards to help patients track their health. PCBs will continue to be very important in the next generation of connected healthcare. 

Computers and Home Appliances

Smartphones, computers, and many other everyday electronic devices need circuit boards to operate. Thankfully, they are now quite small so we don’t have to carry around enormous devices. Most consumer electronics PCBs require a high volume of connections, while also requiring a small size. Reliability is also key, so that companies can ensure the best experience for their customers.

Your smartwatch, radio, tablet, and smartphone all need PCBs to work properly. Your computers do, too. If you have any type of entertainment system, like a TV, stereo system, or gaming console, then you have even more PCBs in your home.

Did you know that many home appliances also utilize PCBs? Your coffee maker, refrigerator, and microwave could all use printed circuit boards to track temperature, time, and more. 

Safety and Security Programs

In both domestic and federal security systems, circuit boards play a key role. It depends on the particular product, but circuit boards help detect disturbances as well as categorize them. They need to be durable, reliable, and lightweight to be installed in discreet places.

Government buildings use circuit boards in their security cameras and electronic door locks. Your own security system probably uses PCBs to monitor the footage and keep an eye on the motion sensor. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors also need circuit boards to function properly.

As you can see, circuit boards play a key role in keeping people safe and connected both at home and at work. The best security technology is Internet-enabled, and can send the information on the PCB to a user interface somewhere else for remote monitoring.

Automotive Industry

Today’s newest vehicles include PCBs in their onboard entertainment systems. Their navigation systems also rely on circuit boards to organize location data and keep you moving on the right track. Older models of cars only use PCBs in their headlight switches and windshield wipers. 

Automotive circuit boards have specific requirements that differentiate them from other industrial applications. For example, the circuit board may need to stand up to very high or low temperatures, depending on where in the vehicle the board will be installed. The boards will also need to be engineered to withstand the intense vibrations of road bumps from thousands of miles of traveling. Because of these reasons, manufacturers typically use aluminum or copper substrates in high-temperature laminates. We will see more innovation and incorporation of circuit boards into vehicles of the future.

Aerospace Applications

Control towers and satellites also use PCBs to guide the safe transit of airplanes through the sky. Plus, airplanes use lots of monitoring equipment that require circuit boards, such as pressure sensors. Of course, airplanes also use telecommunication equipment to stay in touch with ground control and these systems all require circuit boards.

Circuit boards are the foundation of most of our technology, communication, and manufacturing equipment. As the processing power grows and sizes shrink, we will see a variety of new applications for PCBs. We may even see technology that is small enough and reliable enough to embed into the skin, rather than wearing it on the outside. Either way, circuit boards are here to stay and are used in every industry to help manage the flow of digital information.

Wasting Money on Direct Mail?

Marketing for your real estate investing company can make or break your business. You could keep trying stuff and guessing at what works or use a proven system.

At Postal Impact they know that you want to grow your real estate investing business. The only problem is finding motivated sellers can be difficult. Often your marketing is inconsistent and doesn’t produce the results you need. When it does produce results you don’t really know why. 

You should be dominating your market, not guessing at what postcard to try next.

They get it. After years of inconsistent results and not understanding why some marketing worked and others didn’t, they decided to fix the system once and for all. Today they work with some of the biggest real estate investors in the nation. This gives them insight into exactly what works in each unique market. 

They don’t guess, they have data. 

Here’s how they do it. First, they study your current direct mail marketing. Next they identify strengths and weaknesses. Finally, they use data to target high value leads (and they’re really good at it.) They handle everything. 

Postal Impact isn’t for everyone but if you are a serious real estate investor looking to grow, apply now at While you’re there, be sure to download your free copy of “The Probate Book” by Christina Krause. Stop wasting time and guessing at what marketing will work for you and start feeling confident by generating quality, data-driven leads.  

Unit Reflections

For each major essay assignment, you will complete a long-form reflection about your experience writing the paper. Your teacher will provide specific instructions for these reflections.

Weekly Reflections

Weekly Reflections are longer, more thoughtful posts that you will complete about every week of the semester. Topics for these posts will vary by instructor, but they will usually be completed outside of class and have a specific word-count requirement.

Daily Writes

These are 5 minute or less quick writes that we’ll complete in class most days. This will also include any in-class writing about the readings that we do. If you don’t bring your tablet/laptop to class every day or if you prefer writing on paper during class, you’ll need to type up and post these after class.