Wasting Money on Direct Mail?

Marketing for your real estate investing company can make or break your business. You could keep trying stuff and guessing at what works or use a proven system.

At Postal Impact they know that you want to grow your real estate investing business. The only problem is finding motivated sellers can be difficult. Often your marketing is inconsistent and doesn’t produce the results you need. When it does produce results you don’t really know why. 

You should be dominating your market, not guessing at what postcard to try next.

They get it. After years of inconsistent results and not understanding why some marketing worked and others didn’t, they decided to fix the system once and for all. Today they work with some of the biggest real estate investors in the nation. This gives them insight into exactly what works in each unique market. 

They don’t guess, they have data. 

Here’s how they do it. First, they study your current direct mail marketing. Next they identify strengths and weaknesses. Finally, they use data to target high value leads (and they’re really good at it.) They handle everything. 

Postal Impact isn’t for everyone but if you are a serious real estate investor looking to grow, apply now at http://www.postalimpact.com. While you’re there, be sure to download your free copy of “The Probate Book” by Christina Krause. Stop wasting time and guessing at what marketing will work for you and start feeling confident by generating quality, data-driven leads.  

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