Unit Reflection- Argument

The argument section has by far been the most challenging for me.  I initially thought that I would have no trouble with this paper and it would be easy to write, but the further we moved into the paper the more I realized how challenging it would be to master this section.  There are a lot of layers that underlie this section that I did not realize I needed to consider.  The topic that I chose was also more challenging than I realized.  It was also challenging to understand how to qualify.  If I had more time for my paper I would have liked to find more sources to use so that I could add more detail and support to my thesis.  I made a lot of commitment to this paper trying to make sure it was something that I liked and making sure that it flowed well and all my sources were credible.  It was difficult at first for me to figure out how to integrate them into my paper without the flow of my paragraphs being interrupted.  However, practicing with the citations in class helped with this.

Weekly Reflection 7

This weekend I chose to read the New York Times article, “Donald Trump’s Trail of Comments About Women.” I chose to look at this article with hesitation, but I was genuinely interested in what would be included. The commentary was really just a collection of direct quotes from presidential candidate Donald Trump from as far back as 1991 up till 2015. To summarize, select quotes from Mr. Trump imply that a woman’s value may depend on her appearance, flat-chested women will never be a “10”, and that women should have all of the responsibility in raising the children a couple may have together.

I am a passionate feminist and reading all of this hateful speech coming from the next potential leader of the free world really made me take a step back. I am not writing this to discuss my beliefs; however, this article really made me reflect on certain things in my life. Many of my family members share many of the same thoughts regarding women and have always made it very clear to me through out my life what they thought my role ought to be. Their thoughts pushed me to be the best version of myself and I always set out to prove my worth as a student and community member instead of my worth based on my appearance. However, many other women will continue to believe what their family members/friends may tell them or what they hear coming from a presidential candidate for example. I used to want to prove my worth, but now I realize my actual goal is just to encourage other women to follow what they actually want to do with their lives. Therefore, I find this speech extremely hurtful towards that goal and I have a hard time believing so many people are okay with Mr. Trump’s words.

Daily Reflection 3/23

Today’s class help me develop ideas about my essay.  I thought about how I can avoid using a certain tone simply because I have a former inherited opinion about people who may disagree with my argument. In addition, it helped me to recognize areas that may be a source of bias and where that bias may stem from. This discussion also helped me think about how I might better address the opinions of my opposing audience to clearly explain why my stance is correct. I will focus on trying to dissolve any ideas or bias their opinions may originate from in order to effectively persuade the audience.