Reading Journal-Murray


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Donald Murray. “The Maker’s Eye.” 1981
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words This article explains the process of a writer’s first draft to his last.  When he said he bounces from word to word or from sentence to another page, this really clicked with me because this is how I read when I need to deeply process information. I also use this trick when revising my essays. Another thing I do similarly is that I read the essay over the first time for structure then reread for technical directions just like Murray. However, I do not address the reader after I have written. I think of my reader before I begin my essay or writing. Murray addresses the steps of which he completes a final draft which includes all these steps I use. 
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. “ I often read aloud, calling on my ear’s experience with language.” This is a new concept for me because I have never thought to read my writing aloud. However, it probably allows you to hear it from another perspective and I will begin to read my writings aloud. 
How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


Many other articles we have read in this have gone over the fact that there are many drafts before the final draft. 
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion.  How many of these steps do you complete within your drafting?

Literacy Meaning Blog

Literacy to me is a way to escape. Whether it’s writing your thoughts down and leaving them behind on that page, or even reading a book and entering a new ideal world. One of my sponsors for literacy would be my mom. While she never pushed reading onto us, she always had a book in her hand in her free time and encouraged it. She read bedtime stories to us many nights when we were younger and even helped with many of my reading or writing assignments when I was younger. Usually, she did this by encouraging new ideas for my writings which made my mind venture out and think more creatively as a writer. Also, she would sit with me when she had previously read a book before and talk out the chapter before I wrote a summary or even the whole novel before an essay. This helped my reading comprehension in a drastic way. I would choose her over the majority of my teachers as my sponsor because she never pushed it. She always made it seem like something fun to do which made me be openminded to the fact that it could be. I also remember her taking me to bookstores and letting me pick out a book I wanted to read to buy and eventually leading me to find my favorite genre. But within this time at the bookstore, she would also have me open the book that looked good and read a random page to see if I thought the novel would be fitting to the style of writing I enjoyed. My mother has made me the person I am today when it comes to literacy and my love for it.

Reading Journal Fishman


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Andrea R. Fishman. “Literacy and Cultural Context: A Lesson From the Amish.” Vol.64 No.8, The Social Aspects of Language and Learning, December 1987, pages 842-849. 
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words This article is about an Amish family who strives to educate their kids and encourage them to do well with literacy not only for schooling but also for everyday life. While they encourage their children to be able to read and write they do so in a way that shows them how these skills can be used in everyday life and in their belief systems. This stuck out to me the most in the article because it is very hard for me to learn something if I feel I have no personal reason to or use for it. Moreover, the family could have let Eli only learn to read and write in school and left him with no desire to use it once graduated other than for the bare minimum. But the family invested everyday uses into his education and encouraged him to learn.  
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. Esoteric: intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest 
How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


Within the other articles we have read in class they have discussed what discourse is and how it affects us and everyone else in everyday life. However, this article showed us an example of how this discourse is used in someone else’s life. 
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion. How do you view being literate to your everyday school, home, and social life?

Reading Journal-Gee

Reading Journal

Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Gee, James Paul. What Is Literacy . What is Literacy.pdf. 
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words The article discusses the different discourses throughout literature and everyday life. Gee explains how these discourses are created and how they are used. One thing that really caught my attention was when Gee explained the way one discourse creates another. The example he uses is that we wouldn’t have the discourse used by feminists if it weren’t for the discourse of the male population. He also explains how culture may play a role in a discourse which I related back to when I was traveling. In our culture, the act of speaking politely or using polite language is expected. However, in cultures such as African culture, most of the language used is very blunt and what may be considered “rude”. The factors that play into the way I speak or act wasn’t taken into consideration much until I read this article. 
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. “The discourse we identify with being a feminist is radically changed if all male discourse disappears” This brought to light the new concept of how we respond to other’s use of language in order to create our own ideas that form actions and our own use of language. 
How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


Many of the other articles we have read in this class have talked about theories on how our environment and upbringing affect the way we speak or present ourselves in public. All of them have also included what is socially acceptable in our culture or others. 
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion. Have you ever considered that the way you speak was based on the ideas or discourse of another group?

24-hr WL

Tuesday September 1, 2020

  • 8:39am 

Text message to boyfriend

1 word 

  • 12:10

Participation Assignment in Edhe 

50 words 

  • 12:35pm 

Text message to mom 

7 words 

  • 12:56pm 

Text message to mom 

3 photos of dorm drama

  •  1:32 pm

Text message to mom

37 words 

  • 2:41pm

Text message to boyfriend

17 words  

  • 2:45pm 

Text message to boyfriend

37 words  

  •  3:03 pm 

Text message to boyfriend

26 words 

  •  7:34 pm 

Text message to boyfriend

Pics of sorority round outfit  


Wednesday September 2, 2020

  •  12:04 am 

Posted to snapchat story Picture of movie stating 

9 words 

  •  1:39am 

Responded to tik tok message 

5 words 

  •  2:05am 

Sent tik tok message 

2 words 

  •  4:15 am 

This assignment

125 words 

  •  4:17 am

Searched song on apple music

3 words 

  • 11:13 am 

Email to Mr.G 

35 words

Reading Journal #2 Brandt


Title of Article + Proper MLA Citation for Works Cited page Brandt, Deborah. “Sponsors of Literacy.” CCC, vol. 49, no. 2, 1998, pp. 166-172
Summarize the article — include your reaction, thoughts, anything to help you remember its claims. 100 to 150 words The article goes into detail about how every generation has further developed literacy from the previous generation and also the basic evolution of it over large spans of time. The article really stuck out to me when it incorporated the way many early generations of African Americans grew up without education. This stuck out to me because it goes on to say this forever altered their literacy skills in everyday life. While we are all able to put together an essay with proper grammar now because we have the same education, we all speak different dialects outside of our school or profession. This is simply based on where our family originates from and how we were brought up.
Define new terms and concepts by quoting or paraphrasing the original author. This analysis of sponsorship forces us to consider not merely how one social group’s literacy practices may differ from another’s, but how everybody’s literacy practices are operating in differential economies, which supply different access routes, different degrees of sponsoring power, and different scales of monetary worth to the practices in use. 

This stuck out to me because it explains that the language doesn’t necessarily matter as long as we all work together and can accomplish what we need to. This is a new idea because to be in another country is hard and I cannot imagine trying to work would be easy. 

How does this reading connect to other articles from class and/or your own research?


This reading connects to Elbows article because both are based on the dialects of many different groups of people. Elbow says we all speak different dialects and explains how people still struggle with that in the classroom, while Brandt talks about how we’ve all come to have a common professional language over the years. 
Based on the reading, craft one question to act as a springboard for class discussion. Do you think dialects are okay when speaking to people outside of your culture?