Composing through images can be a bit more difficult than words simply because it is easier to type a word then find a picture that says exactly what you want it to. Although, when you do find a picture that depicts exactly what you are trying to say I think that pictures can speak louder than words. For myself, using images wasn’t hard to portray my argument because I enjoy design and layouts and figuring out what works best to show the audience what you want to illustrate to them. Personally, I think writing the paper with words was more difficult than with pictures. A weakness I have is organizing my thoughts with words in a way that it makes sense. However, with the images organization and the design, I would say were my stronger points. My favorite image would be the illustration of a child with A.D.H.D stamped on his head. This image physically shows children being labeled ADHD which depicts my whole paper topic. In contrast, my least favorite picture would be the children at the computers with headphones on. The reason for this is because I had trouble depicting what the diagnosis looking like without getting the audience confused by it looking like an adult is helping the child.

When it comes to designing visuals I have had a good bit of practice because I was the design editor of my high school yearbook for two years. For me, all parts of the design work were enjoyable for me since it let me think creatively and show a paper without having to type out the actual words.  For this project, I just about knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to portray my essay with images. Although, One thing I did not anticipate was not continuing the design of the black dotted line through the whole powerpoint but eventually I didn’t need to use it for the message to the audience. The black line also was my favorite design choice because it subtly gave a message to the audience as well as the pictures. On the other hand, the least favorite design element I used would be the background color. I feel like I could have changed the color some more to set the tone of the slides but I wasn’t sure what colors to do and how to do them.

The advantage of already having the written paper was that I already had the arguments, the layout, and organization from the paragraphs to where I just had to find pictures that matched each one. I prefer the Image essay over the written one. This is because I found it easier to say my opinions through the depiction of pictures and the layout of pictures came easier to me than the layout of the words. I think both print and images are important to this argument ,however, Images I believe tell a better and more powerful story. When a viewer is looking at pictures they can be connected at a higher level than with words. Sometimes words can be misread or misunderstood to where the intended message can be lost.