This week in The New York Times instead of reading articles we watched and looked at Op-Docs. An Op-Doc that stuck out to me was the one over sexual orientation in other countries. This really opened my eyes to what’s happening not only in the united states but also in other countries, often to a worse extent. This Op-doc followed a homosexual activist around his hometown while interviewing him about all the things he has gone through and how he handles his sexuality within a society that doesn’t approve. It was interesting to see how much worse he has it in his country because in recent years this has become a large topic of discussion within the United States as well. However, in the United States LBGT community was fighting for marriage rights but in this country, they’re fighting for the right to live. It makes you think about how all over the world we can be dealing with the same topic of  the issue but on different areas and places within the movement.

Outside of The New York Times, I read a card from my mom that I had gotten from valentines day. She put a bible verse inside the card and her message of saying that she was proud of me. Getting a message like this reminding me of what I’m doing in light of my mom really made me feel good about myself. Before I read the note, I was stressed and didn’t know how to get through the week but what my mom had to say really helped me take on this week.