Sink, But Don’t Drown

Remember watching Titanic? When the ship is sinking, all the life boats have been taken, and everyone stands helplessly watching their lives flash before their eyes, except it doesn’t flash, it is a slow and painful process of the waiting game as you feel the ship sink further and further into the abyss. That’s how my first week of college felt. I’ve studied more in this so called “syllabus” week than I did my entire senior year in high school and I am still behind. Textbooks are like the life boats…there seem to be so many, but here I am: lifeboat (textbook) less. The complex relationship between Jack and Rose resembles the way I feel about being away from home; one second I love it and I am “never letting go”, the next I am calling my mom begging her not to let me go. Finally I think of the cold water, literally freezing people alive and I see my clock, that just won’t freeze no matter what. I can feel myself drowning and I am in search of a whistle.