Scrolling through my facebook profile, I mostly see pictures of my little girl, Jane. Some pics include me and some include my husband. The first picture is a tagged photo from my sister; in it, my mom and I get whipped cream slammed into our faces at the Mexican restaurant we visited last night for our birthday celebration. At first glance, I can tell that I have edited this space to highlight who I am as a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter. Most of the interactions present are between family members and myself…some friends post and of course many friends like the pictures but don’t comment. This suggests something I’ve found true about this time in life. My life in my 30’s revolves more around my own family unit than my friends…in fact, months often go by before I truly interact with friends outside of my family unit. It’s a “family” time of life, and it’s illustrated perfectly on my facebook profile.