CRQ – Male Perspective


“’No Sissy Stuff!’ Being a man means not being a sissy, not being perceived as weak, effeminate, or gay. Masculinity is the relentless reputation of the feminine.”


This quote really speaks to the thought that being a man is something that young males learn. When males are born into this world we have no specialized way to act. We observe and change depending on our environment. The chapter “True Women and Real Men” was more interesting because it really focuses on gender roles in today’s society and how we have changed and how some of us are still discouraged at accepting the change that we as a society have to address and not just one select group or race. I will continue to try and read more articles in the book that talk about myths about gender and I will also try and find more credible sources that have pros and cons that talk about more recent conversations and debates about current gender roles and expectations. It is said that being a man in today’s society forces young males to be over aggressive, sexually dominating creatures who learn to never take no for an answer. The only way to measure your manhood is by wealth, power, status, and physical tone. We as a gender have let these ideas go too far into our heads and we treat women more like currency that is meant to be traded like material goods. We need to change before we risk more harm to our own gender than we have already.



Where did these rules for being a man come from?

CRQ – Female Perspective

Call: “Femininity, according to this traditional formulation, would result in warm and continued relationships with men, a sense of maternity, interest in caring for children, and the capacity to work productively and continuously in female occupations.”


Response: This part of the book excerpt enrages me at the simple fact that the United States way of living still lives according to a traditional viewpoint that our ancestor came to adapt to. The United State is far from the default traditional ways in which we label gender roles. We have grown to raise and instill in our children that it is okay to place a label on ourselves and others. We have coax them to believe this is the way we should act according to what, though? TRADITIONAL WAYS. If the traditional gender roles have been superseded why are we still acting accordingly. We have some of the traditional ways still but at least we can update the proper ways that we should act as according to now. I believe we should stop instilling in girls that they can’t do what males do because look around, women have and are doing them. We have a female running for the the democrat party as of 2016. Women should not be discriminated against when it comes to dominance and power. When you look at the masculinity definition. It continues to place a female beneath. It says, “Masculinity thus becomes “innately” valuable and femininity serves a contrapuntal function to delineate and magnify the hierarchical dominance of masculinity. I understand this book is old, but the traditional ways of society is still in tact. The fast facts are results of the intact traditional ways of society and how both genders are conformed. Number three fast fact states, “The CDC reports that one in four women have experienced severe physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner at some point in their lives. I believe that this occurs because males have a tendency to act accordingly to their desire gender role and pursue “dominance” and expect females to remain “submissive”. Females are capable of providing as of today, the traditional ways are no longer working.


Question: Why haven’t the roles for both female and males been revised to fix the people of today. Nothing else has remained the same so why should our roles in society, especially if they are causing conflict?