Daily Write

College is essentially 4 years worth of quests. Some are completed in a day and others span the entire duration of the 4 years. The most important and obvious quest contained in the college experience is getting a degree. However, the quest that I will focus on almost just as much as graduating is to actually experience college. College is special for many reasons, and some of which are meeting new people, trying new things, and having a good time. The people you meet are likely the ones you will call your friends for the rest of your life, and I intent to meet a lot of them. I make it my personal goal to be friendly and remember everyone I talk to. They say its not about grades you make but the hands you shake. The second aspect of truly experiencing college is trying new things. I plan on getting involved in as many things as possible. Finally, having a good time is important too. This will be the last time that you have an opportunity to go out every day of the week (besides Sunday), and I don’t want to let that slip away without making the most of it.

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