Unit 4

For unit 1 I could write about Native American stereotypes. I could also write about the current pipeline debate surrounding Native Americans. For unit 2 I could write about the election and the debates. For unit 3 I could write about whether or not the human genome should be altered and edited. I feel as though my best option is to rewrite my unit 3 essay.

Unit 3 Reflection

I had never really written a argumentative paper before this unit, so it really opened my eyes and showed me exactly what I am capable of with hard work. The contributions to my blog helped in many ways. They really sped up the research process with trying many different topics until I found the right one that interested me. They also helped as I was required to write an introduction and get the ball rolling on this paper. Some challenges this paper presented that others have not in this class are the difficulty of researching a specific topic and determining the validity of a source. This paper really hit many of the desired learning outcomes from the syllabus for this class. Research is an obvious one, along with exploration and argumentation, conventions and mechanics (as in every other paper), and writing process.