Category Archives: Weekly Reflections

Weekly Write

We just heard an interview from Nevada (the location of the final debate), where the interviewer talked to two neighbors (one supported Trump and one supported Clinton). The Trump supporter built up her ethos by mentioning that she is a teacher who worries about educational resources who also lived in Mexico for some time. She also does a good job when it comes to “concession and refutation” when she says “I know he’s not my dream date”. This class has taught me how to work on assignments more than the day before they are due. This has improved my quality of work greatly. It has also taught me during argumentation that it is important to acknowledge the opposing view points.

Weekly Write

This week was a hectic one. I had lots of school work due along with several meetings scheduled all on top of formal rush being right around the corner. The impending formal rush does not add much work to my schedule but it does however add lots of stress. This on top of several tests and papers and very little time to accomplish this causes me to stress out some. I also had a mid-term this week for a class that had no other grades in it, so I spent a significant amount of my week studying for that. All in all I am glad that the week is coming to a close. I am glad to have put all the work behind me and can look forward to smooth sailing.

weekly write

While in college, I have many priorities and goals. The most important thing to me is going to class. I went to college for many reasons, but the most important of which is to graduate. I need to go to class, keep up my grades, and maintain at least a 3.75 GPA. I want to keep my scholarships and arguably more importantly get into a good law school after these 4 years. Second on my list of things to do in college is meet as many people as possible. I want to make many lifelong friends here and in order to do so I need to meet as many people as possible (preferably as soon as possible). Finally on my list of things to do is to join as many organizations as possible.

Weekly Write

In the University of Mississippi, we are subject to a lot of stereotypes. People think that the students here aren’t very smart, that we are racist, and that all we do is drink. Ole Miss is consistently in the top 10 of the “party school” rankings, and maybe we deserve to be. I know that almost every night, week or weekend, there are several parties on or off campus. But I also know many people who work very hard and focus on academics, so for someone to automatically assume that because you go to Ole Miss you only party, is very wrong. I also know many people, typically from the North, who assume that if you go to school in the South you must be a racist. These accusations, even if they are in a joking manor, are not true and honestly should not even be joked about. The stereotype that Ole Miss is a party school may hold some weight, but the perception that everyone here is racist is a total misconception and a serious one. Ole Miss also ranks 19th on the “beautiful campus” rankings. According to this poll, Rhodes College has the most beautiful campus in the nation. I am from Memphis and live about 5 minutes away from Rhodes College and I must say that the campus here in Oxford is much more beautiful.

Weekly Response 1

After my first week of college I have made several realizations. One reality that hit me hard was the fact that my parents aren’t around anymore. I don’t have someone to wake me up for school every day anymore, I don’t have a warm breakfast waiting for me in the kitchen, and I don’t have someone to do my laundry anymore. This list of changes due to the fact that I’m living away from my parents goes on and on; however, there have also been good changes. I have nearly all the freedom in the world to do whatever it is that I want to, and I find myself with much more free time than ever before. These two positive changes together is a recipe for trouble, but also for a lot of fun. Another realization I had was the fact that it is very important to keep up with my work. I can’t let all the fun distract me from my school work, and I need to manage my free time efficiently. Once I can master that I believe many of the problems I have had will be resolved and college will be a much more enjoyable experience.